The purpose of this survey is to gather gender-disaggregated data on agricultural activities, decision-making, weather information, risk-perception and values from rural households. In Phase 2, the gender survey was adapted and implemented in other sites. It was adapted to include some of the pro...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
International Food Policy Research Institute
[Gender Household Survey Phase 2]
Gender Household Survey Phase 2
The climate-smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects
an ambition to improve the integration of agriculture
development and climate responsiveness. It aims to
achieve food security and broader development goals
under a changing climate and increasing food demand.
CSA initiatives sustainably increa...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Informe Anual CIAT 2018 Alianzas para Generar Impacto]
Informe Anual CIAT 2018 Alianzas para Generar Impacto
Extreme climate events can undermine agricultural and rural development progress. Even in years when extreme events do not occur, the uncertainty that results from climate-related risk is an impediment to sustainable intensification of agriculture and adoption of climate-smart agricultural produc...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Expanding the Contribution of Early Warning to Climate-Resilient Agricultural Development in Africa]
Expanding the Contribution of Early Warning to Climate-Resilient Agricultural Development in Africa
Livestock as a sector is extremely important to the global economy and to rural livelihoods. As of 2013, there was an estimated 38 billion livestock in the world, or five animals for every person. Most (81%) were in developing countries. Around one billion poor farmers keep livestock, many of the...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Climate and Livestock Disease: assessing the vulnerability of agricultural systems to livestock pests under climate change scenarios]
Climate and Livestock Disease: assessing the vulnerability of agricultural systems to livestock pests under climate change scenarios
Ongoing investments in agriculture will not deliver for Africa until the destabilising nature of crop pests events, especially shock outbreak events, are addressed. As a result of climate change, the prevalence of crop pests will change and the frequency of shock pest events will increase, puttin...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Crops, crop pests and climate change – why Africa needs to be better prepared]
Crops, crop pests and climate change – why Africa needs to be better prepared
More than 4.5 billion people get at least 15% of their average per capita intake of animal protein from fish. Fish is therefore a key element in food security and human nutrition. Analysis of future fish supply-demand scenarios suggests that farming of fish and other aquatic products will need to...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Climate Change and Aquatic Animal Disease]
Climate Change and Aquatic Animal Disease
This document presents a multi-criteria framework for identifying and prioritizing CSA practices and technologies for Belize. A multi-phase participatory exercise using the
CSA-Prioritization Framework can help policymakers target scarce CSA investment resources more effectively.
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
World Bank
[Climate-Smart Agriculture in Belize: Identifying Investment Priorities]
Climate-Smart Agriculture in Belize: Identifying Investment Priorities
Este documento constituye el tercer informe del estudio de “Productividad de la tierra y rendimiento del sector agropecuario medido a través de los indicadores de crecimiento verde en el marco de la misión de crecimiento verde en Colombia” realizado por el CIAT y CRECE a través de la orientación ...
This document constitutes the third report of the study of "Productivity of the land and yield of the agricultural sector measured through the indicators of green growth in the framework of the Mission of Green Growth in Colombia" through the orientation and financing of the GGGI Colombia and the...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
Centro de Estudios Regionales Cafeteros y Empresariales
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Descripción de tecnologías priorizadas, marco institucional e impacto en los indicadores de crecimiento verde a escala nacional y regional para los sistemas de café, cacao y ganadería de leche y doble propósito]
Descripción de tecnologías priorizadas, marco institucional e impacto en los indicadores de crecimiento verde a escala nacional y regional para los sistemas de café, cacao y ganadería de leche y doble propósito
Este informe constituye el cuarto y último reporte del estudio “Productividad de la tierra y rendimiento del sector agropecuario medido a través de los indicadores de crecimiento verde en el marco de la misión de crecimiento verde en Colombia” elaborado por la alianza CIAT, CCAFS, CRECE por solic...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
Centro de Estudios Regionales Cafeteros y Empresariales
[Recomendaciones técnicas y de política para la misión de crecimiento verde en Colombia]
Recomendaciones técnicas y de política para la misión de crecimiento verde en Colombia