Although the Philippines was the 1st Asian country to receive cassava from the New World via the Spanish in the 17th century, at present it is only a minor crop, grown essentially by smallholders who obtain very low yields (4-5 t/ha). There has been little government support although the crop fit...
Aunque las Filipinas fue el primer pais asiatico en recibir yuca proveniente del Nuevo Mundo a traves de los espanoles en el siglo 17, esta es actualmente solo un cultivo menor, producido esencialmente por pequenos agricultores que obtienen rendimientos muy bajos (4-5 t/ha). El gobierno ha brinda...
The strategies and projections of CIAT's cassava program for the period 1986-90 are described and analyzed in detail. Background information is given on the crop including its characteristics and end uses (fresh cassava for foodstuffs, both traditional and innovative dry cassava products). A comp...
Se describen y analizan en detalle las estrategias y proyecciones del programa de yuca del CIAT para el periodo 1986-90. Se hace un marco de presentacion del cultivo que incluye sus caracteristicas y sus usos finales (yuca fresca para alimentacion humana, productos de yuca seca tradicionales y ot...
A brief analysis is made of price, commercialization, credit, research, and extension policies and their impact on agriculture in Colombia. The present status of cassava consumption, production, and distribution is then reviewed in order to determine potential and projected demand. Both time seri...
Se hace un breve analisis de las politicas de precios, comercializacion, credito, investigacion y extension y su impacto en la agricultura colombiana. Luego se revisa el estado actual del consumo, la produccion y la distribucion de la yuca para determinar tanto la demanda potencial como la proyec...
Price, credit, and government spending policies and their impact on agriculture in Venezuela are analyzed. The status of demand for fresh cassava is reviewed as well as the potential demand for both fresh and dried cassava. Cassava has much to offer as the cheapest source of energy in the tropics...
Se analizan las politicas de precios, credito y desembolsos gubernamentales y su impacto en la agricultura venezolana. Se revisan el nivel de demanda de yuca fresca y la demanda potencial de yuca fresca y seca. Siendo la fuente energetica mas economica del tropico, la yuca ofrece muchas posibilid...
In Thailand cassava is produced mainly for export. The Thai cassava industry was based on starch export until the 60s when West Germany began to use CSW for animal feed. As this was a by-product of starch manufacturing, shortages resulted, leading to the market for CM. Chips became the dominant e...
En Tailandia la yuca se produce principalmente para exportacion. La industria yuquera tailandesa se baso en la exportacion de almidon hasta la decada de los 60 cuando Alemania Occidental comenzo a utilizar los residuos de almidon de yuca en alimentos para animales. Debido a que este era un subpro...
This analysis of global and Asian markets looks at protectionism and substitution (decline in starch trade, rise in trade of cassava feedstuffs) and the Asian regional market for cassava feedstuffs. The degree of substitution between cassava and grains has increased measurably during the postwar ...
Este analisis de los mercados mundiales y asiaticos contempla las politicas de proteccionismo y sustitucion (reduccion en la comercializacion del almidon y aumento en la comercializacion de los concentrados a base de yuca), en particular, y el mercado regional asiatico para alimentos para animale...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Proyecto productivo de plátano: (Guía metodológica)]
Proyecto productivo de plátano: (Guía metodológica)
The structure and methodology of cassava research are discussed. Research on the potential world demand for the crop was divided into different components: the country was the unit of analysis and the market, the 2nd level of analytical subdivision where individual markets were assumed to be inde...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Global cassava research and development: the cassava demand studies and implications for the strategies for the CIAT cassava program]
Global cassava research and development: the cassava demand studies and implications for the strategies for the CIAT cassava program