Cassava is a regional crop in India, 97 percent of the production coming from the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. On a countrywide basis, cassava makes only a small contribution to total calorie intake; in the south, however, it ranks 2nd to rice. Data are presented on production and utilization...
La yuca es un cultivo regional en India; el 97 por ciento de la produccion proviene de los estados de Kerala y Tamil Nadu. A nivel nacional, la yuca representa un pequeno aporte al consumo total de calorias; en el sur, sin embargo, ocupa el segundo lugar despues del arroz. Se presentan datos sobr...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Global cassava research and development: The cassava economy of Asia: Adapting to economic change]
Global cassava research and development: The cassava economy of Asia: Adapting to economic change
This list consists of an initial set of characterization and evaluation descriptors for cassava utilization. This key set of strategic descriptors, together with passport data, will become the basis for the global accession-level information system being developed by the Bioversity-led project, G...
Bioversity International
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Key access and utilization descriptors for cassava genetic resources]
Key access and utilization descriptors for cassava genetic resources
The progress made during the 1st yr of an interinstitutional collaborative project among CIAT, the Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnologicas, and the U. del Valle, on the processing, production, and use of CF, is described. The 3 main areas of research were: economic studies, design and developme...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
Universidad del Valle
[Procesamiento de yuca en Colombia: La produccion y uso de harina de yuca para consumo humano. Informe de avance periodo noviembre 1984-octubre 1985]
Procesamiento de yuca en Colombia: La produccion y uso de harina de yuca para consumo humano. Informe de avance periodo noviembre 1984-octubre 1985
The purpose of this symposium was to prepare recommendations for the Colombian Government so that they can follow a definite course of action with regard to the planning of cassava cultivation and to ensure that the technology being generated by the research institutions is transferred to the far...
The different operations involved in the cassava drying process to produce chips for animal feed are indicated, namely weighing the fresh cassava, chipping, spreading out of chips, turning over of chips, recollection, storage, and marketing. The organization and management of a natural cassava dr...
The factors affecting the quality of cassava roots were studied: var. and age of the plant; DM, starch, and sugar contents in the roots; cyanide contents in leaves and roots. Roots of bitter var. CMC-84 showed higher DM contents than those of sweet var. CMC- 40. Total and reducing sugar contents ...
Se estudiaron los factores que afectan la calidad de las raices como: var.; edad de la planta; contenidos de MS, almidon y azucares en la raiz; y contenidos de cianuro en hojas y raices. Las raices de la var. amarga CMC-84 presentaron mayor contenido de MS que la var. dulce CMC-40. Los contenidos...
Price, credit, and government spending policies and their impact on agriculture in Venezuela are analyzed. The status of demand for fresh cassava is reviewed as well as the potential demand for both fresh and dried cassava. Cassava has much to offer as the cheapest source of energy in the tropics...
Se analizan las politicas de precios, credito y desembolsos gubernamentales y su impacto en la agricultura venezolana. Se revisan el nivel de demanda de yuca fresca y la demanda potencial de yuca fresca y seca. Siendo la fuente energetica mas economica del tropico, la yuca ofrece muchas posibilid...