Drawing on 15 cases from nine countries this books offers some solutions to the huge challenges pastoralists encounter in trying to sell what they produce. With liberal use of tables, diagrams and illustrations, it documents impacts, good practices and lessons in the marketing of pastoralist live...
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction
[Moving herds, moving markets: Making markets work for African pastoralists]
Moving herds, moving markets: Making markets work for African pastoralists
Souvent les efforts visant à améliorer les chaînes de valeur oublient la moitié de la population, celle des femmes. Comment changer cela ? En nous appuyant sur des douzaines de cas du monde entier, et en prenant comme exemples une grande diversité de produits agricoles et d’élevage, ce livre expl...
Royal Tropical Institute
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction
[Faire changer les chaînes : Equité entre les genres dans le développement des chaînes de valeur]
Faire changer les chaînes : Equité entre les genres dans le développement des chaînes de valeur
Often efforts to improve value chains miss out half of the population – the female half. How can this be changed? Drawing on dozens of cases, and covering a wide range of crops and livestock products, this book explains how development organisations and private entrepreneurs have found ways to im...
Royal Tropical Institute
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction
[Challenging chains to change: Gender equity in agricultural value chain development]
Challenging chains to change: Gender equity in agricultural value chain development