Data on tsetse fly distribution, livestock population & distribution; and breed description, animal disease and productivity of Lagoon cattle, Borgu cattle, Sombra cattle, N'Dama cattle, sheep and goats. Note on herd composition and management and on research & development activities.
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Trypanotolerant livestock in West and Central Africa. Volume 2. Country studies -Chapter 11. Togo]
Trypanotolerant livestock in West and Central Africa. Volume 2. Country studies -Chapter 11. Togo
Data on livestock number and distribution in Zaire, and description of Lagoon cattle, N'Dama cattle, Mateba cattle, sheep and goats, with note on productivity estimates, management systems specially the metayage, animal diseases, research centres and development activities.
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Trypanotolerant livestock in West and Central Africa. Volume 2. Country studies -Chapter 18. Zaire]
Trypanotolerant livestock in West and Central Africa. Volume 2. Country studies -Chapter 18. Zaire
Information on tsetse fly distribution, livestock numbers, animal performance of N'Dama cattle and Bambara cattle, animal diseases, herd composition & management, and on research centres and development activities in Kayes, Bamako, Segou and Sikasso regions of Mali.
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Trypanotolerant livestock in West and Central Africa. Volume 2. Country studies - Chapter 7. Mali]
Trypanotolerant livestock in West and Central Africa. Volume 2. Country studies - Chapter 7. Mali
Data on livestock numbers and distribution; and description of west African dwarf shorthorn, N'Dama cattle, and west African dwarf sheep in Liberia. Note on herd composition & management, research centres & development activities, and on animal diseases.
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Trypanotolerant livestock in West and Central Africa. Volume 2. Country studies -Chapter 6. Liberia]
Trypanotolerant livestock in West and Central Africa. Volume 2. Country studies -Chapter 6. Liberia
Presents some of the attempts undertaken to evaluate veterinary measures and their impact on the most relevant diseases in tropical Africa. Compares the methodologies of economic evaluation use. Includes an extensive classified bibliography based on a review of leading publications on the economi...
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Towards an economic assessment of veterinary inputs in tropical Africa. Based on the work of Carlos Sere]
Towards an economic assessment of veterinary inputs in tropical Africa. Based on the work of Carlos Sere
Description of geographical aspects of the Subhumid Zone of West Africa and economic and sociological aspects of the Fulani ethnic group, w. emphasis on fodder resources, range management, livestock raising, livestock management, and animal diseases, w. analysis of land use & land development str...
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Livestock production in the subhumid zone of West Africa : A regional review]
Livestock production in the subhumid zone of West Africa : A regional review