Discusses the general prospects for demand and supply of meat and dairy products in tropical Africa, w. emphasis on factors influencing supply & demand such as population growth, rising incomes, and traditional production blockages. Analyses supply prospects from existing livestock production sys...
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Les perspectives de l'elevage en Afrique tropicale en l'an 2000]
Les perspectives de l'elevage en Afrique tropicale en l'an 2000
Study of sheep and goat production in tropical Africa, particularly animal numbers and production systems and regional geographic distribution & productivity potentials, w. outline of the need for future research on their potential performance under improved systems; data on adult body weight & p...
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[L'elevage des petits ruminants en Afrique tropicale]
L'elevage des petits ruminants en Afrique tropicale
Deals with a study in voluntary intake and livestock productivity in the Sahel carried out over a year using a herd of Zebu cattle, with some observations repeated on a flock of Sahelian sheep and goats, both under traditional management. Also presents a comparison to herds elsewhere.
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Observations sur la consommation spontanee et la productivite animale]
Observations sur la consommation spontanee et la productivite animale
Enumeration of non - tariff barriers facing meat exports and their impact on tropical African exports w. note on development efforts and prospects. Data on distribution of world beef imports and tropical African exports, beef prices in selected countries, and trend of beef exports from East Afric...
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Les barrieres non tarifaires au commerce de la viande de boeuf: Incidences sur les exportations de l'Afrique tropicale]
Les barrieres non tarifaires au commerce de la viande de boeuf: Incidences sur les exportations de l'Afrique tropicale
A study on smallholder dairy development in the East African highlands. Looks into the production systems and development constraints and priorities. Discusses genetic factors, nutrition, disease, management, labour, marketing and pricing policies. Summarises research and development experiences.
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Developpement de la production laitiere. Compte-rendu d'un atelier]
Developpement de la production laitiere. Compte-rendu d'un atelier