Yimer Haile plants an improved field pea on his land and explains the difference between the improved and the previous one. He says the improved pea is very nice, drought and disease resistant, colorful and high yielding. The photo film is produced by the project on “Enhancing communities’ adapti...
International Livestock Research Institute
[Improved field pea is more productive and provides better markets in the Ethiopian highlands]
Improved field pea is more productive and provides better markets in the Ethiopian highlands
Water harvesting is one way that farmers can deal with climate-change induced water scarcity in Ethiopia. Here community members explain how this technology is used by households to grow high value crops when the rainy season is over. The photo film is produced by the project on “Enhancing commun...
International Livestock Research Institute
[Ethiopian Farmers use water harvesting techniques to fight climate change]
Ethiopian Farmers use water harvesting techniques to fight climate change
International Livestock Research Institute
[Counting in a disappearing land: people, livestock and wildlife]
Counting in a disappearing land: people, livestock and wildlife
International Livestock Research Institute
[Research to protect pastoral livelihoods and wildlife in Kenya's Masai Mara]
Research to protect pastoral livelihoods and wildlife in Kenya's Masai Mara
This film illustrates how small-scale pig keeping and dairying have the potential to help hundreds of thousands of the poorest people in Assam and Nagaland, remote provinces in northeast India, to increase their incomes and better their lives.
As demand for pork skyrockets in India, traditional smallholder pig keepers in remote northeast regions of the country could benefit if provided with improved animal feeds, veterinary and other services, allowing them to enter the vibrant new markets.
International Livestock Research Institute
[ILRI Genebank sends plant samples to the Global Seed Vault at Svalbard]
ILRI Genebank sends plant samples to the Global Seed Vault at Svalbard
People and domesticated animals have relied on each other for thousands of years. But modern life is wiping out ancient breeds. New approaches are needed to ensure the survival of these vital animal genetic resources.
International Livestock Research Institute
[Conserving livestock genetic resources for people (summary)]
Conserving livestock genetic resources for people (summary)