On 29 February, 2012, Dr. Segenet Kelemu, Director, Biosciences eastern and central Africa-International Livestock Research Institute (BecA-ILRI) Hub, was invited to speak at a conference on "Food Security in the 21st Century - Agricultural, Health, Economic, Judicial and Political Perspectives" ...
International Livestock Research Institute
[Mobilizing Biosciences for food and nutritional security in Africa—The case of BecA-ILRI Hub]
Mobilizing Biosciences for food and nutritional security in Africa—The case of BecA-ILRI Hub
Honorable Bob McMullen, the Australian Parliamentary Secretary for International Development, Australia and a delegation from The Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) visited the Biosciences eastern and central Africa-International Livestock Research Institute (BecA-ILRI) Hub ...
International Livestock Research Institute
[Innovative answers to the food security question in Africa]
Innovative answers to the food security question in Africa
International Livestock Research Institute
[More pork, by and for the poor: Catalysing emerging smallholder pig value chains in Uganda for food security and poverty reduction]
More pork, by and for the poor: Catalysing emerging smallholder pig value chains in Uganda for food security and poverty reduction
The Integrated Modelling Platform for Mixed Animal Crop systems (IMPACT) was initially developed to encourage data sharing through standard protocols, and allowing tools to be linked to facilitate evaluations of various farming systems.
The IMPACT model has since then purposely been turned into ...
International Livestock Research Institute
[Livestock research for food security and poverty reduction: ILRI strategy 2013-2022]
Livestock research for food security and poverty reduction: ILRI strategy 2013-2022
Cette photo-film montre les principales activités Sénégal du projet de Génétique laitière (http://senegaldairy.wordpress.com/) qui vise à améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle au Sénégal par une meilleure utilisation des races bovines laitières (pures et croisées). Le projet est fin...
International Livestock Research Institute
[Sénégal génétique laitière: par une meilleure utilisation des races bovines laitières]
Sénégal génétique laitière: par une meilleure utilisation des races bovines laitières
International Livestock Research Institute
[Livestock and sustainable food and nutrition security: Group report on the ILRI@40 workshop, Addis Ababa, 7 November 2014]
Livestock and sustainable food and nutrition security: Group report on the ILRI@40 workshop, Addis Ababa, 7 November 2014
The purpose of this survey is to gather gender-disaggregated data on agricultural activities, decision-making, weather information, risk-perception and values from rural households in Kenya, Bangladesh, Uganda and Senegal. The survey ultimately will cover 200 households in each site - the same ho...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
International Food Policy Research Institute
International Livestock Research Institute
[Gender Household Survey]
Gender Household Survey
International Livestock Research Institute
[Community dialogue cards on agri-nutrition: ‘For use by community own resource persons’]
Community dialogue cards on agri-nutrition: ‘For use by community own resource persons’