This list consists of an initial set of characterization and evaluation descriptors for cultivated potato utilization.
This strategic set of descriptors, together with passport data, will become the basis for the global accession level information portal being developed by Bioversity Internation...
Bioversity International
International Potato Center
[Key access and utilization descriptors for cultivated potato genetic resources]
Key access and utilization descriptors for cultivated potato genetic resources
Potenciales nuevas variedades de papa biofortificadas con altos contenidos de hierro y zinc, para contribuir a la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en la agricultura familiar alto andina.
International Potato Center
[Papas biofortificadas para ayudar a reducir niveles de anemia en los Andes. Perfil del proyecto.]
Papas biofortificadas para ayudar a reducir niveles de anemia en los Andes. Perfil del proyecto.
Iron and zinc deficiency are widespread problems in developing countries. Scientists at CIP have bred iron- and zinc-biofortified potatoes to contribute to efforts to reduce malnutrition in the Andes and other regions where potato is a staple crop. Bioavailability studies will determine how much ...
International Potato Center
[Evaluating iron and zinc bioavailability in biofortified potatoes to reduce malnutrition in the Andes. Project profile.]
Evaluating iron and zinc bioavailability in biofortified potatoes to reduce malnutrition in the Andes. Project profile.
Many women and children in the high Andes suffer from anemia due to an inadequate diet. This project takes a holistic approach to addressing micronutrient deficiency, boosting food security and health and building women’s empowerment by introducing potatoes rich in iron and zinc as part of an int...
International Potato Center
[Linking social protection with agriculture and nutrition interventions. Biofortified potato to alleviate anemia in the high Andes of Peru. Project profile]
Linking social protection with agriculture and nutrition interventions. Biofortified potato to alleviate anemia in the high Andes of Peru. Project profile
Las raices y tuberculos andinos han empezado a ganar importancia como fuentes alternativas de ingresos economicos para las comunidades altoandinas. Debido a la carencia de herramientas de diagnostico fitosanitario, la distribucion de semilla representa actualmente un alto riesgo para diseminar en...
International Potato Center
[Desarrollo de metodos de diagnostico fitosanitario para asegurar la distribucion y repatriacion de semillas de oca, olluco, mashua y yacon libres de virus.]
Desarrollo de metodos de diagnostico fitosanitario para asegurar la distribucion y repatriacion de semillas de oca, olluco, mashua y yacon libres de virus.
Roots and tubers have great potential to support food security and build resilient livelihoods among the poorest and most vulnerable people in Malawi. The Root and tuber crops for agricultural transformation in Malawi (RTC-ACTION Malawi) project aims to boost production and consumption of these c...
International Potato Center
[Root and tuber crops for agricultural transformation in Malawi. Project profile.]
Root and tuber crops for agricultural transformation in Malawi. Project profile.
Agriculture continues to dominate Kenya’s economy, accounting for one third of GDP and employing 75% of the rural population. Maintaining growth and accelerating development in this important sector will require largescale adoption of productivity-enhancing technologies and innovations. This proj...
International Potato Center
[Developing smallholder value chains – Kenya. Project profile.]
Developing smallholder value chains – Kenya. Project profile.
International Potato Center
[La cadena de innovacion. Biodiversidad. Seguridad alimentaria. Negocios. Servicios para la ciencia e innovacion]
La cadena de innovacion. Biodiversidad. Seguridad alimentaria. Negocios. Servicios para la ciencia e innovacion
International Potato Center
[The innovation chain. Biodiversity. Food security. Business. Services for science and innovation]
The innovation chain. Biodiversity. Food security. Business. Services for science and innovation
Esta herramienta permite manejar mejor la rancha en campos de papa, de tal manera que se pueda hacer aplicaciones de fungicidas solo cuando sea necesario y de acuerdo con la variedad de papa que se sembro.
International Potato Center
[Juego de ruedas para la aplicacion de funguicidas en el manejo de la rancha de la papa]
Juego de ruedas para la aplicacion de funguicidas en el manejo de la rancha de la papa