Malawi suffers from high rates of poverty, food insecurity and malnutrition. With most of the population relying on agriculture for
their livelihoods, this project aims to promote climate-resilient, sustainable growth of the agriculture sector through a joint initiative
comprising seven CGIAR res...
International Potato Center
[Promoting agriculture to support economic growth in Malawi. Project profile.]
Promoting agriculture to support economic growth in Malawi. Project profile.
International Potato Center
[Scaling Up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition. Outcome Brief]
Scaling Up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition. Outcome Brief
The Scaling Up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) project (2013–2019) aimed to improve the diets of at least 2.3 million households with children under 5 years of age in Africa and South Asia through biofortified (vitamin A‐rich) orange‐fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP). SUSTAIN a...
International Potato Center
[Scaling Up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) 2013‐2019. Final report.]
Scaling Up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) 2013‐2019. Final report.
Biodiversidad y buenas prácticas de agricultura climáticamente inteligente para mejorar la resiliencia y productividad de la agricultura familiar en sistemas alimentarios andinos basados en papa.
International Potato Center
[EuroClima: Adopcion de mejores practicas agricolas climaticamente inteligentes en los andes. Perfil de proyecto.]
EuroClima: Adopcion de mejores practicas agricolas climaticamente inteligentes en los andes. Perfil de proyecto.
International Potato Center
[Recommended sweetpotato farming practices in Quang Binh, Vietnam: A way to promote sustainable rural development and food security under a changing climate. A training manual (Vietnamese).]
Recommended sweetpotato farming practices in Quang Binh, Vietnam: A way to promote sustainable rural development and food security under a changing climate. A training manual (Vietnamese).