Presents results of a study undertaken at Magogo, Kenya, to analyse genetic and phenotypic correlations between adjacent weights, between weights and rates of growth, and among growth rates themselves, hence data on 969 lambs collected over a 10-year period (1978-1987) on Dorper sheep were used i...
Inyangala, B.A.O.
Rege, J.E.O.
Itulya, S.
[Growth traits of the Dorper sheep. II. Genetic and phenotypic parameters]
Growth traits of the Dorper sheep. II. Genetic and phenotypic parameters
Presents results of a study carried out to analyse growth traits of the Dorper sheep. Data on 969 lambs collected over a 10-year period (1978 to 1987) at Magogo, Kenya were used in the study. Lamb traits studied were weights from birth to yearling and absolute growth rates between adjacent stages...
Inyangala, B.A.O.
Rege, J.E.O.
Itulya, S.
[Growth traits of the Dorper sheep. I. Factors influencing growth traits]
Growth traits of the Dorper sheep. I. Factors influencing growth traits
Investigates environmental sources of variation influencing growth traits of the Dorper and Dorper X Red Maasai sheep with special reference to the relative performance of various geneotypes. Lamb traits studied were weights from birth to yearling and absolute growth rates between adjacent stages...
Inyangala, B.A.O.
Rege, J.E.O.
Itulya, S.
[A comparative study of the Dorper and Dorper X Red Maasai sheep]
A comparative study of the Dorper and Dorper X Red Maasai sheep