De nombreux pays en Afrique ont intégré
l’utilisation des engrais, la gestion de la fertilité
des sols et les intrants agricoles dans leurs
contributions déterminées au niveau national à
l’Accord sur le climat de Paris. Bien
que les engrais azotés (N) contribuent dans une
large mesure aux émissi...
Richards, Meryl
Ittersum, Martin K. van
Mamo, Tekalign
Stirling, Clare M.
Vanlauwe, Bernard
Zougmoré, Robert B.
[Fertilizers and low emission development in sub-Saharan Africa]
[Engrais et développement sobre en carbone en Afrique subsaharienne]
Engrais et développement sobre en carbone en Afrique subsaharienne
Considering projected population trends, food requirements in East Africa will drastically increase in the coming decades (van Ittersum et al., 2016). One way to ensure supply will meet demand is by raising crop yields in the region. In East Africa, agricultural yields still have large potential ...
Hijbeek, Renske
Berge, Hein F.M. ten
Loon, Marloes P. van
Ittersum, Martin K. van
[Developing a running prototype of a bio-economic farm model for a trade-off analysis of different nutrient management options for maize cultivation in East-Africa]
Developing a running prototype of a bio-economic farm model for a trade-off analysis of different nutrient management options for maize cultivation in East-Africa
Numerous studies have been published during the past two decades that use simulation models to assess crop yield gaps (quantified as the difference between potential and actual farm yields), impact of climate change on future crop yields, and land-use change. However, there is a wide range in qua...
Grassini, Patricio
Bussel, Lenny G. J. van
Wart, Justin van
Wolf, Joost
Claessens, Lieven
Yang, Haishun
Boogaard, H.
Groot, Hugo de
Ittersum, Martin K. van
Cassman, Kenneth G.
[How good is good enough? Data requirements for reliable crop yield simulations and yield-gap analysis]
How good is good enough? Data requirements for reliable crop yield simulations and yield-gap analysis
Accurate estimation of yield gaps is only possible for locations where high quality local data are available, which are, however, lacking in many regions of the world. The challenge is how yield gap estimates based on location-specific input data can be used to obtain yield gap estimates for larg...
Bussel, Lenny G. J. van
Grassini, Patricio
Wart, Justin van
Wolf, Joost
Claessens, Lieven
Yang, Haishun
Boogaard, H.
Groot, Hugo de
Saito, Kazuki
Cassman, Kenneth G.
Ittersum, Martin K. van
[From field to atlas: Upscaling of location-specific yield gap estimates]
From field to atlas: Upscaling of location-specific yield gap estimates
In 2018, an experiment was run at the IOP farm in Tanzania. Four nutrient management treatments were combined factorial with two tillage options. The results show that the lowest maize yield was obtained under conventional tillage without fertilizer application, and the highest with reduced tilla...
Mtakwa, Peter
Brentrup, Frank
Assey, Peter
Loon, Marloes P. van
Hijbeek, Renske
Berge, Hein F.M. ten
Ittersum, Martin K. van
[D1940: Results from the Fertilizer demonstration experiment with maize at IOP Farm in Iringa, Tanzania in 2018]
D1940: Results from the Fertilizer demonstration experiment with maize at IOP Farm in Iringa, Tanzania in 2018
The review by H. C. J. Godfray et al. (12 February, p. 812) and the rest of the special section on Food Security call for a multifaceted approach to future global food security. We would like to emphasize three agricultural issues that were lacking
Porter JR
Challinor, Andrew J.
Ewert, Frank
Falloon, P.
Fischer T
Gregory P
Ittersum, Martin K. van
Olesen, J.E.
Moore KJ
Rosenzweig, Cynthia
Smith, Pete
[Food security: focus on agriculture]
Food security: focus on agriculture
Roetter, R.P.
Hoanh, Chu Thai
Wolf, Joost
Abu Bakar, I.
Tawang, A.
Ittersum, Martin K. van
Laborte, Alice G.
Ridder, N.A. de
Berg, M.M. van den
[Modelling agricultural development options for the Kedah-Perlis region, Malaysia]
Modelling agricultural development options for the Kedah-Perlis region, Malaysia
Bouma, Johan
Ittersum, Martin K. van
Stoorvogel, J.J.
Batjes, Niels H.
Droogers, Peter
Pulleman, Mirjam
[Soil Capability: Exploring the functional potentials of soils]
Soil Capability: Exploring the functional potentials of soils
Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increasing soil or biomass carbon stocks are the main agricultural pathways to mitigate climate change. Scientific and policy attention has recently turned to evaluating the potential of practices that can increase soil carbon sequestration. Forty perce...
Hijbeek, Renske
Loon, Marloes P. van
Wollenberg, Eva K.
White, Julianna M.
Ittersum, Martin K. van
[Fertiliser use and soil carbon sequestration: Key messages for climate change mitigation strategies]
Fertiliser use and soil carbon sequestration: Key messages for climate change mitigation strategies
Yield gap analysis, which evaluates magnitude and variability of difference between crop yield potential (Yp) or water limited yield potential (Yw) and actual farm yields, provides a measure of untapped food production capacity. Reliable location-specific estimates of yield gaps, either derived f...
Wart, Justin van
Bussel, Lenny G. J. van
Wolf, Joost
Licker R
Grassini, Patricio
Nelson, A.
Boogaard, H.
Gerber J
Mueller ND
Claessens, Lieven
Ittersum, Martin K. van
Cassman, Kenneth G.
[Use of agro-climatic zones to upscale simulated crop yield potential]
Use of agro-climatic zones to upscale simulated crop yield potential