Global warming has been linked to systematic changes in North and South America's climates and may severely impact the North American monsoon system (NAMS) and South American monsoon system (SAMS). This study examines interannual-to-decadal variations and changes in the low-troposphere (850 hPa) ...
Carvalho, Leila M. V.
Jones, C.
Posadas, A.
Quiróz, R.
Bookhagen, B.
Liebmann, B.
[CMIP5 Simulations of low-level tropospheric temperature and moisture over the tropical Americas]
CMIP5 Simulations of low-level tropospheric temperature and moisture over the tropical Americas
The South American monsoon system (SAMS) is the most important climatic feature in South America. This study focuses on the large-scale characteristics of the SAMS: seasonal amplitudes, onset and demise dates, and durations. Changes in the SAMS are investigated with the gridded precipitation, Cli...
Jones, C.
Carvalho, Leila M. V.
[Climate change in the south american monsoon system: present climate and CMIP5 projections]
Climate change in the south american monsoon system: present climate and CMIP5 projections
The presence of a monsoonal type of circulation involving intense convective activity and heavy precipitation is the dominant climatic feature in the tropical Americas during the respective summer seasons. The North American monsoon system (NAMS) and the South American monsoon system (SAMS) are o...
Jones, C.
Carvalho, Leila M. V.
[Multiannual-to-decadal variability of the American monsoons: present climate and CMIP5 projections]
Multiannual-to-decadal variability of the American monsoons: present climate and CMIP5 projections
The South American monsoon system (SAMS) is the most important climatic feature in South America and is characterized by pronounced seasonality in precipitation during the austral summer. This study compares several statistical properties of daily gridded precipitation from different data (1998–2...
Carvalho, Leila M. V.
Jones, C.
Posadas, A.
Quiróz, R.
Bookhagen, B.
Liebmann, B.
[Precipitation characteristics of the South American monsoon system derived from multiple datasets]
Precipitation characteristics of the South American monsoon system derived from multiple datasets