As population age structures change over the coming decades, the cost of providing public education, pensions and health care will change significantly. Falling child dependency ratios and increasing old-age dependency ratios will affect the number of people that receive education and pension ben...
Nam, Valerie E.
Jones, Francis
Inclusive social protection and demographic change: The implications of population ageing for social expenditure in the Caribbean
This study provides a comprehensive review and evaluation of the implementation of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development in the Caribbean. The Montevideo Consensus was adopted by the governments of the region in 2013 and includes more than one hundred priority actions covering th...
Jones, Francis
Camarinhas, Catarina
Gény, Lydia Rosa
Implementation of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development in the Caribbean: a review of the period 2013–2018
This study addresses the ageing of the Caribbean population and the situation with respect to the human rights of older persons. It considers the implications for public policy of these ‘twin imperatives for action’. The first chapter describes and explains the changing age structure of the Carib...
En este capítulo se realiza un análisis comparativo de leyes, políticas y programas sociales de los países de la subregión que contemplan a este grupo social, enfocándose en cinco temas clave: las instituciones y políticas; las pensiones sociales; el acceso a los servicios de salud; el acceso a l...