Presents papers on the potentials of forage legumes in farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa and other parts of the world. Examines nutrient and water constraints to legume growth. Reviews the role of forage legumes in production systems. Includes recommendations for future research.
Haque, I.
Jutzi, S.C.
Neate, Paul J.H.
[Potentials of forage legumes in farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa. Proceedings of a workshop]
Potentials of forage legumes in farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa. Proceedings of a workshop
Describes modifications to the traditional ox-drawn ard plow (maresha) for use in the construction of terraces for soil conservation and of raised beds and furrows to facilitate drainage on heavy clay soils together with results of on-station and on-farm tests. Both modifications can be made by v...
Jutzi, S.C.
Anderson, F.M.
Astatke, A.
[Low-cost modifications of the traditional Ethiopian tine plough for land shaping and surface drainage of heavy clay soils: Preliminary results from on-farm verification trials]
Low-cost modifications of the traditional Ethiopian tine plough for land shaping and surface drainage of heavy clay soils: Preliminary results from on-farm verification trials
Proposes a method to estimate the trade-off between sorghum grain and straw yield in agronomic trials. Describes a theory of the conflict between the two products. presents data from sorghum cultivar trials in Ethiopia, as well as a method of evaluating sorghum grain and straw.
McIntire, John M.
Reed, J.D.
Jutzi, S.C.
Tedla, A.
Kebede, Y.
[Evaluating sorghum cultivars for grain and straw yield]
Evaluating sorghum cultivars for grain and straw yield