Gives an overview of some national efforts to develop seed production infrastructure. Highlights some of the research conducted on seed production in herbage crops. Outlines recent developments in terms of regional and international activities to support national efforts for increased herbage see...
Jutzi, S.C.
[Herbage seed production in sub-Saharan Africa, its integration in national pasture research and seed industry development and prospects for regional supporting activities]
Herbage seed production in sub-Saharan Africa, its integration in national pasture research and seed industry development and prospects for regional supporting activities
On the basis of an analysis of 2127 reports on animal feed research and development from seven national programmes in eastern and southern Africa, this paper intends to give a profile of animal feed research in the area since meaningful records have been available, to establish major trends in th...
Jutzi, S.C.
[Animal feed research in eastern and southern Africa; priorities and trends]
Animal feed research in eastern and southern Africa; priorities and trends
Reviews the present state of knowledge about the biological contribution of nitrogen by forage legumes in sub-Saharan Africa; indicates the main factors limiting the contribution of biological N by forage legumes; highlights the potentials of legume - food crop - livestock interactions in various...
Haque, I.
Jutzi, S.C.
[La fixation de l'azote par les legumineuses fourrageres en Afrique subsaharienne: Potentialites et contraintes]
La fixation de l'azote par les legumineuses fourrageres en Afrique subsaharienne: Potentialites et contraintes
A review of animal feed research Reports from 7 countries of eastern and southern Africa is used to assess historical and actual research emphases. Priority was on feed supply and evaluation for cattle production with strong rangelands improvement programmes. Most research focussed on ecologicall...
Jutzi, S.C.
Tothill, J.C.
[Animal feed research in eastern and southern Africa: Historical and actual priorities]
Animal feed research in eastern and southern Africa: Historical and actual priorities
Presents retrospects and prospects of the joint project on improved management and utilization of dark clay soils in Ethiopia. Discusses the contributions of partner institutions, the propspects for future collaboration, and the need for strengthening the foundation for the generation of advanced...
Abebe, M.
Jutzi, S.C.
[The joint project on improved management and utilization of dark clay soils in Ethiopia - Retrospects and prospects]
The joint project on improved management and utilization of dark clay soils in Ethiopia - Retrospects and prospects
Reports a concerted interinstitutional attempt to generalize the use of the available draught animal power for the construction of more effective soil surface drainage. The hypothesis is that the relatively high productive potential of the Ethiopian highland vertisols, particularly in high-rainfa...
Jutzi, S.C.
Mohamed-Saleem, M.A.
[Improving productivity on highland Vertisols: The oxen-drawn broadbed maker]
Improving productivity on highland Vertisols: The oxen-drawn broadbed maker
Reviews the present state of knowledge about the biological contribution of nitrogen by forage legumes in sub-Saharan Africa; indicates the main factors limiting the contribution of biological N by forage legumes; highlights the potentials of legume - food crop - livestock interactions in various...
Haque, I.
Jutzi, S.C.
[Nitrogen fixation by forage legumes in sub-Saharan Africa: Potential and limitations]
Nitrogen fixation by forage legumes in sub-Saharan Africa: Potential and limitations