Tsetse-transmitted trypanosomosis poses severe constraints to livestock productivity in sub-Saharan Africa, affecting large areas of the continent that hold the greatest potential for agricultural development. Greater exploitation of the genetic resistance to trypanosomosis (trypananotolerance) t...
Kahi, A.K.
[Genetic and economic aspects of breeding for dairy production in Kenya.]
Genetic and economic aspects of breeding for dairy production in Kenya.
Kahi, A.K.
Thorpe, W.R.
Baker, L.
[Estimates of heritabilities and genetic and phenotypic correlations for preweaning traits of calves in a crossbred dairy herd in coastal lowland Kenya]
Estimates of heritabilities and genetic and phenotypic correlations for preweaning traits of calves in a crossbred dairy herd in coastal lowland Kenya
Direct and maternal (co)variance components and genetic parameters were estimated for growth and reproductive traits in the Kenya Boran cattle fitting univariate animal models. Data consisted of records on 4502 animals from 81 sires and 1010 dams collected between 1989 and 2004. The average numbe...
Wasike, C.B.
Indetie, D.
Ojango, Julie M.K.
Kahi, A.K.
[Direct and maternal (co)variance components and genetic parameters for growth and reproductive traits in the Boran cattle in Kenya]
Direct and maternal (co)variance components and genetic parameters for growth and reproductive traits in the Boran cattle in Kenya
Bio-economic profit models were developed and applied to evaluate biological and economic variables that characterize production systems utilizing the Boran breed. Production systems were described according to their sale age (24 months short-fed or 36 months long-fed), levels of input (low, medi...
Rewe, T.O.
Indetie, D.
Ojango, Julie M.K.
Kahi, A.K.
[Breeding objectives for the Boran breed in Kenya: model development and application to pasture-based production systems]
Breeding objectives for the Boran breed in Kenya: model development and application to pasture-based production systems
Wasike, C.B.M.
Ojango, Julie M.K.
Kahi, A.K.
[Genetic parameters for growth and reproductive traits in the Kenya Boran Cattle]
Genetic parameters for growth and reproductive traits in the Kenya Boran Cattle
Rewe, T.O.
Ojango, Julie M.K.
Kahi, A.K.
[Economic values for production and functional traits in the Boran cattle in Kenya]
Economic values for production and functional traits in the Boran cattle in Kenya
Rewe, T.O.
Indetie, D.
Ojango, Julie M.K.
Kahi, A.K.
[Economic values for production and functional traits and assessment of their influence on genetic improvement in the Boran cattle in Kenya]
Economic values for production and functional traits and assessment of their influence on genetic improvement in the Boran cattle in Kenya
The predicted performance of nine crossbreeding strategies for milk production and reproductive traits and cow live weights (LW) were compared. The strategies were selected because of their superiority to many others. The data were from crosses of Ayrshire (A), Brown Swiss (B), Friesian (F) and S...
Kahi, A.K.
Nitter, G.
Thorpe, W.R.
Gall, C.F.
[Crossbreeding for dairy production in the lowland tropics of Kenya. II. Prediction of performance of alternative crossbreeding strategies]
Crossbreeding for dairy production in the lowland tropics of Kenya. II. Prediction of performance of alternative crossbreeding strategies
A total of 1443 records were used to estimate individual and maternal additive genetic breed and heterotic effects for preweaning growth and survival traits of crosses of Ayrshire (A), Brown Swiss (B), and Sahiwal (S) in a dairy herd in the lowland coastal tropics of Kenya. Individual and matern...
Kahi, A.K.
Mackinnon, M.J.
Thorpe, W.R.
Baker, R.L.
Njubi, D.
[Estimation of individual and maternal additive genetic and heterotic effects for preweaning traits of crosses of Ayrshire, Brown Swiss and Sahiwal cattle in the lowland tropics of Kenya]
Estimation of individual and maternal additive genetic and heterotic effects for preweaning traits of crosses of Ayrshire, Brown Swiss and Sahiwal cattle in the lowland tropics of Kenya
Crossbreeding parameters for milk production and reproductive traits and for cow live weight (LW) of crosses of Ayrshire (A), Brown Swiss (B), Friesian (F) and Sahiwal (S) cattle were estimated using data from a dairy herd in the lowland coastal tropics of Kenya. An individual animal model was fi...
Kahi, A.K.
Thorpe, W.R.
Nitter, G.
Baker, R.L.
[Crossbreeding for dairy production in the lowland tropics of Kenya. I. Estimation of individual crossbreeding effects on milk production and reproductive traits and on cow live weight]
Crossbreeding for dairy production in the lowland tropics of Kenya. I. Estimation of individual crossbreeding effects on milk production and reproductive traits and on cow live weight