This paper addresses under what circumstances technological change in agriculture is likely to increase deforestation and when it will decrease it. It identifies four sets of variables that influence these outcomes: the type of technological change involved, the farmers' socio-economic profile, t...
This paper analyzes the growing role of municipal governments in Bolivia and Nicaragua in forest-related issues on the basis of some thirty case studies. It first provides background information on forest issues and legislation concerning municipal involvement in forest issues in the two countrie...
Kaimowitz, D.
Pacheco, P.
Mendoza, R.
Barahona, T.
[Municipal governments and forest management in Bolivia and Nicaragua]
Municipal governments and forest management in Bolivia and Nicaragua
A widespread belief among development and forest researchers and practitioners holds that technological progress in tropical agriculture is good for forest conservation. Higher yield enables farmers to produce the same amount of food on less agricultural land. The alternative view suggests that p...
In the 1980s, Nicaragua's Sandinista government faced armed mestizo and indigenous insurgencies in much of the nation's central and eastern region. After the Sandinistas lost the 1990 elections, the in-coming government signed peace agreements with the insurgents and facilitated their return to c...
Kaimowitz, D.
Faune, A.
[Contras and comandantes: armed movements and forest conservation in Nicaragua's Bosawas biosphere reserve]
Contras and comandantes: armed movements and forest conservation in Nicaragua's Bosawas biosphere reserve
Aguelo, L.A.
Kaimowitz, D.
[Implicaciones institucionales y metodológicas para promover un patrón tecnológico más sostenible para la agricultura]
Implicaciones institucionales y metodológicas para promover un patrón tecnológico más sostenible para la agricultura
Staver, Charles
Jong, W. de
Kaimowitz, D.
[Nicaragua's frontier: the Bosawas biosphere reserve]
Nicaragua's frontier: the Bosawas biosphere reserve
Este documento examina até onde a América Latina avançou na busca de uma agricultura mais sustentável, e alguns fatores que explicam esse grau de avanço. Pretende-se efetuar um balanço global do quanto percorremos, quais são os obstáculos no caminho e até onde é realista pensar chegar. Por agricu...
The most important change in land use in Central America in the last 40 years has been the widespread conversion of forest to pasture. The literature presents a number of explanations for this expansion. Depending on which factors are believed to be important, the prognosis and policy recommendat...
Kaimowitz, D.
[La ganaderia hondurena: entre la esperanza de un crecimiento incluyente y sostenible y las amenazas del latifundio y la deforestacion]
La ganaderia hondurena: entre la esperanza de un crecimiento incluyente y sostenible y las amenazas del latifundio y la deforestacion
Kaimowitz, D.
[La transferencia de tecnologia para promover un desarrolo sostertible de la agricultura]
La transferencia de tecnologia para promover un desarrolo sostertible de la agricultura