This chapter reviews Central America's experience with regional collaborative policy research efforts focusing on rural issues, with particular emphasis on natural resources issues. It first presents a historical description of these efforts. Regional rural policy research began with the institut...
Kaimowitz, D.
Murrar, A.
[Resena historica de la investigacion sobre politicas en Centro America]
Resena historica de la investigacion sobre politicas en Centro America
Staver, Charles
Jong, W. de
Kaimowitz, D.
[Nicaragua's frontier: the Bosawas biosphere reserve]
Nicaragua's frontier: the Bosawas biosphere reserve
This brief paper presents basic background information on decentralization in Bolivia and the role of municipal governments in forest management. Then it provides some possible lessons from the Bolivian experience for Central America. In concludes that decentralization opens new opportunities for...
Kaimowitz, D.
[La gestion local de recursos forestales: la experienca Boliviana 94-98]
La gestion local de recursos forestales: la experienca Boliviana 94-98
The book analyzes the evolution of decentralization of natural resource management in the Brazilian Amazon using a comparative approach. It is a collection of eight case studies: the municipalities of Mâncio Lima and Xapuri, in the State of Acre, and Altamira, Moju, Paragominas, Porto de Moz, San...