The influence of night grazing on feeding behavior, nutrition and performance of cattle was studied. Twenty-four steers weighing 367 kg (SD = 76) grazed either from 0900 to 1900 (day grazers), 2100 to 0700 (night grazers) or 0900 to 1900 and 2400 to 0400 (day-and-night grazers) during 13 weeks. F...
Ayantunde, Augustine A.
Fernández Rivera, S.
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Keulen, H. van
Udo, H.M.J.
[Day and night grazing by cattle in the Sahel]
Day and night grazing by cattle in the Sahel
A survey was conducted from February to June of 1997 among livestock herders in two villages of Niger, Kodey and Toukounous, on their perceptions, practice, and problems of night grazing. Cattle and sheep were the species that were taken out for night grazing by the herders. Small herd size an...
Ayantunde, Augustine A.
Williams, Timothy O.
Udo, H.M.J.
Fernández Rivera, S.
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Keulen, H. van
[Herders' perceptions, practice, and problems of night grazing in the Sahel: Case studies from Niger]
Herders' perceptions, practice, and problems of night grazing in the Sahel: Case studies from Niger
Sxity-four Azawak male calves were used to study the effect of nocturnal grazing (NG) and supplementation (S) in the dry season on forage and water intake, faecal output, eating time and weight changes of cattle in the Sahel. Treatments were factorial combinations of four levels of NG (0, 2, 4 an...
Ayantunde, Augustine A.
Fernández Rivera, S.
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Keulen, H. van
Udo, H.M.J.
Chanono, M.
[Effect of nocturnal grazing and supplementation on diet selection, eating time, forage intake and weight changes of cattle]
Effect of nocturnal grazing and supplementation on diet selection, eating time, forage intake and weight changes of cattle