This project aims at: (1) identifying the major pathogens of the bean root rot complex, (2) screening for resistant germplasm, and (3) evaluating low-input control methods that will significantly decrease economic losses caused by root rots in the main bean producing regions of Peru, Ecuador, and...
El presente proyecto tiene por objetivos: 1) identificar los principales patogenos asociados con el complejo de pudriciones radicales del frijol; 2) seleccionar germoplasma resistente; y 3) evaluar metodos de control de bajo costo que permitan disminuir significativamente las perdidas economicas ...
Valladolid, A.
Chumbiauca, L.
Munive, J.
Cantoral, E.
Esteves, C.
Peralta, E.
Minchala, L.
Defaz, M.
Rivadeneira, C.
Quiton, N.
Pastor Corrales, Marcial A.
Kornegay, Julia L.
[Proyecto: control de las pudriciones radicales del frijol comun (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) en la zona andina]
Proyecto: control de las pudriciones radicales del frijol comun (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) en la zona andina
Significant advances in increasing tolerance to the leafhopper Empoasca kraemeri Ross & Moore in common bean have been obtained using a new breeding scheme where yield under leafhopper attack is the principal selection criterion in the evaluation of progenies. However, to further refine this bree...
Kornegay, Julia L.
Cardona, C.
[Development of an appropriate breeding scheme for tolerance to Empoasca kraemeri in common bean]
Development of an appropriate breeding scheme for tolerance to Empoasca kraemeri in common bean
The bean weevil Acanthoscelides obtectus, is an important storage pest of common beans in Latin America and Africa. A few wild bean accessions from Mexico have been identified as highly resistant to the weevil. One accession, G 12952, was crossed to two susceptible bean cultivars differing in see...
Kornegay, Julia L.
Cardona, C.
[Inheritance of resistance to Acanthoscelides obtectus in a wild common bean accession crossed to commercial bean cultivars]
Inheritance of resistance to Acanthoscelides obtectus in a wild common bean accession crossed to commercial bean cultivars
Over 150 bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) pure lines and accessions were evaluated in growth chamber and greenhouse trials for reactions to one or more populations of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) collected from Colombia or the United States. Bean pure lines and accessions were evaluated for ro...
Mullin, BA
Abawi, G.S.
Pastor Corrales, Marcial A.
Kornegay, Julia L.
[Reactions of selected bean pure lines and accessions to Meloidogyne species]
Reactions of selected bean pure lines and accessions to Meloidogyne species
Damage caused to snap bean by rust, angular leaf spot, Ascochyta, and web blight, is briefly described. Results of the evaluations carried out by CIAT with the germplasm bank are also described along with the strategies for improvement developed in the search for cv. resistant to these diseases. ...
Se describen brevemente los danos causados a la habichuela por roya, mancha foliar angular, Ascochyta y mustia hilachosa. Se describen tambien los resultados de las evaluaciones realizadas por CIAT con el banco de germoplasma y las estrategias de mejoramiento desarrollados en busca de cv. resiste...
Kornegay, Julia L.
[Estrategias para el mejoramiento de la produccion de habichuelas en CIAT para la roya, mancha angular, ascochyta y mustia]
Estrategias para el mejoramiento de la produccion de habichuelas en CIAT para la roya, mancha angular, ascochyta y mustia