In Nepal, more than 90% of cereal seed flows from informal systems and there are regions and groups of farmers that are not connected at all to any seed networks with external seed supply. Nepal's agricultural policies and formal institutions are promoting the development of the formal seed syste...
Wyss, R.
Guenat, D.V.
López Noriega, Isabel
Gauchan, D.
Upadhya, D.
[Seed systems of rice and finger millet in Nepal, between formality and informality]
Seed systems of rice and finger millet in Nepal, between formality and informality
En Nicaragua el café ocupa el tercer lugar de la superficie cultivada (11%) y, después del maíz y del frijol, es el rubro agrícola que más contribuye al PIB (10%). El 96% de las fincas cafetaleras están en manos de pequeños productores (menos de 20 manzanas1), los cuales representan un 50% del ár...
Bedmar Villanueva, A.
López Noriega, Isabel
Bucardo, E.
Zonneveld, M. van
[Caficultura y cambio climático en Nicaragua: Refexiones sobre el papel de las políticas públicas y las cooperativas]
Caficultura y cambio climático en Nicaragua: Refexiones sobre el papel de las políticas públicas y las cooperativas
En el marco de un proyecto denominado "Planes de Inversión en Agricultura Sostenible Adaptada al Clima", Bioversity International llevó a cabo un estudio sobre el marco político e institucional que rodea la prodcucción del café por pequeños productores en Nicaragua. Los objetivos del mismo fuero...
Bedmar Villanueva, A.
López Noriega, Isabel
Bucardo, E.
Zonneveld, M. van
[Caficultura y cambio climático en Nicaragua: Reflexiones sobre el papel de las políticas públicas y las cooperativas]
Caficultura y cambio climático en Nicaragua: Reflexiones sobre el papel de las políticas públicas y las cooperativas
In Nepal, more than 90% of cereal seed flows from informal systems and there are regions and groups of farmers that are not connected at all to any seed networks with external seed supply. Nepal's agricultural policies and formal institutions are promoting the development of the formal seed syste...
Wyss, R.
Guenat, D.V.
López Noriega, Isabel
Gauchan, D.
Upadhya, D.
[Seed systems of rice and finger millet in Nepal, between formality and informality]
Seed systems of rice and finger millet in Nepal, between formality and informality
To guide climate adaptation policies and investments, the majority of least developed
countries (LDCs) have developed National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs).
Agricultural biodiversity is an important, but often overlooked, element in climate adaptation;
new crop varieties, cropping and ...
Bedmar Villanueva, A.
Halewood, Michael
López Noriega, Isabel
[Agricultural biodiversity in climate change adaptation planning: An analysis of the National Adaptation Programmes of Action]
Agricultural biodiversity in climate change adaptation planning: An analysis of the National Adaptation Programmes of Action
Jarvis, Devra I.
Hodgkin, T.
Brown, A.H.D.
Tuxill, J.
López Noriega, Isabel
Smale, M.
Sthapit, B.R.
[The origins of agriculture, crop domestication, and centers of diversity]
The origins of agriculture, crop domestication, and centers of diversity
The role of agricultural biodiversity for sustaining ecosystem services crucial for food and agriculture becomes particularly relevant in the face of climate change, and has been widely recognised as a central part of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) since the concept was first launched in 2010. ...
López Noriega, Isabel
Dawson, Ian K.
Vernooy, Ronnie
Köhler-Rollefson, Ilse
Halewood, Michael
[Agricultural diversification as an adaptation strategy]
Agricultural diversification as an adaptation strategy
Jarvis, Devra I.
Hodgkin, T.
Brown, A.H.D.
Tuxill, J.
López Noriega, Isabel
Smale, M.
Sthapit, B.R.
[Plant genetic resources, conservation,and politics: a history of international and national developments supporting the conservation and use of crop diversity]
Plant genetic resources, conservation,and politics: a history of international and national developments supporting the conservation and use of crop diversity
Jarvis, Devra I.
Hodgkin, T.
Brown, A.H.D.
Tuxill, J.
López Noriega, Isabel
Smale, M.
Sthapit, B.R.
[Abiotic and biotic components of agricultural ecosystems]
Abiotic and biotic components of agricultural ecosystems
This study presents and overview of the projects that have been funded by or proposed to the
Benefit-sharing Fund (BSF) under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food
and Agriculture (ITPRFA). In particular, the study focusses on the technology transfer, capacity
building and ...
Galluzzi, Gea
López Noriega, Isabel
Halewood, Michael
[Non-monetary benefit sharing mechanisms within the projects funded by the Benefit Sharing Fund]
Non-monetary benefit sharing mechanisms within the projects funded by the Benefit Sharing Fund