Groundwater contribution to streamflow sustains biodiversity and enhances ecosystem services, especially under monsoon-driven climate where stream baseflow is often the only available water resource during the dry season. We assessed how land use change influences streamflow and its groundwater c...
Ribolzi, Olivier
Lacombe, Guillaume
Pierret, A.
Robain, H.
Sounyafong, P.
Rouw, Anneke de
Soulileuth, B.
Mouche, E.
Huon, S.
Silvera, N.
Latxachak, K.O.
Sengtaheuanghoung, Oloth
Valentin, C.
[Interacting land use and soil surface dynamics control groundwater outflow in a montane catchment of the lower Mekong basin]
Interacting land use and soil surface dynamics control groundwater outflow in a montane catchment of the lower Mekong basin
Study region : In this study, 33 catchments across the Lower Mekong Basin in Southeast Asia are examined to detect historical changes in their hydrological response via a model-based methodology.
Study focus : Intensive development over the past half century across Southeast Asia’s Lower Mekong B...
Lyon, S.W.
King, K.
Polpanich, O.
Lacombe, Guillaume
[Assessing hydrologic changes across the Lower Mekong Basin]
Assessing hydrologic changes across the Lower Mekong Basin
By altering evapotranspiration and influencing how water is routed and stored in a basin, natural and agrarian ecosystems affect river flow. To quantify the impact of ecosystems on streamflow in two large river basins in Asia and Africa, simple statistical relationships were calculated, enabling ...
Lacombe, Guillaume
McCartney, Matthew P.
[Evaluating the flow regulating effects of ecosystems in the Mekong and Volta river basins]
Evaluating the flow regulating effects of ecosystems in the Mekong and Volta river basins
The humid tropics are exposed to an unprecedented modernization of agriculture involving rapid and highly-mixed land-use changes with contrasted environmental impacts. Afforestation is often mentioned as an unambiguous solution for restoring ecosystem services and enhancing biodiversity. One cons...
Lacombe, Guillaume
Ribolzi, Olivier
Rouw, Anneke de
Pierret, Alain
Latsachak, K.
Silvera, N.
Pham Dinh, R.
Orange, D.
Janeau, Jean L.
Soulileuth, B.
Robain, H.
Taccoen, A.
Sengphaathith, P.
Mouche, E.
Sengtaheuanghoung, Oloth
Tran Duc, T.
Valentin, Christian
[Afforestation by natural regeneration or by tree planting: examples of opposite hydrological impacts evidenced by long-term field monitoring in the humid tropics]
Afforestation by natural regeneration or by tree planting: examples of opposite hydrological impacts evidenced by long-term field monitoring in the humid tropics
The subject of change detection in climate time series has recently received greater interest as the perception of a human-induced change in the climate is now widely accepted. However, changes in regional precipitation and temperature remain uncertain. This study characterizes projected fine-sca...
Lacombe, Guillaume
Hoanh, Chu Thai
Smakhtin, Vladimir U.
[Multi-year variability or unidirectional trends?: mapping long-term precipitation and temperature changes in continental Southeast Asia using PRECIS regional climate model.]
Multi-year variability or unidirectional trends?: mapping long-term precipitation and temperature changes in continental Southeast Asia using PRECIS regional climate model.
Lacombe, Guillaume
Hoanh, Chu Thai
Valero, T.
[Effectiveness of early warning systems and monitoring tools in the Mekong Basin.]
Effectiveness of early warning systems and monitoring tools in the Mekong Basin.
Lacombe, Guillaume
Chinnasamy, Pennan
Nicol, Alan
[Review of climate change science, knowledge and impacts on water resources in South Asia. Background Paper 1]
Review of climate change science, knowledge and impacts on water resources in South Asia. Background Paper 1