Los bosques y su gobernanza han sido objeto de creciente atención en los últimos años. Un factor que ha estimulado este interés es el reconocimiento del hecho que la deforestación contribuye de forma importante a las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Son múltiples los factores que afectan...
Petkova, E.
Larson, A.M.
Pacheco, P.
[Gobernanza forestal y REDD+: Desafíos para las políticas y mercados en América Latina]
Gobernanza forestal y REDD+: Desafíos para las políticas y mercados en América Latina
Larson, A.M.
[Recursos forestales y gobiernos municipales en Nicaragua: hacia una gestion efectiva]
Recursos forestales y gobiernos municipales en Nicaragua: hacia una gestion efectiva
This article argues that decentralization of natural resource management is a political process resisted by the central government due to the feared loss of power and/or economic resources to local governments. In Nicaragua, although the formal process of power transfers largely stagnated from 19...
Larson, A.M.
[Formal decentralisation and the imperative of decentralisation 'from below': a case study of natural resource management in Nicaragua]
Formal decentralisation and the imperative of decentralisation 'from below': a case study of natural resource management in Nicaragua
Larson, A.M.
Ribot, J.C.
[Democratic decentralisation through a natural resources lens: an introduction]
Democratic decentralisation through a natural resources lens: an introduction
Local governments are increasingly important actors in forest management. Looking at roughly 20 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, this paper identifies common patterns and extracts lessons that will allow us to better understand decentralization successes and failures. It begins by bri...
Larson, A.M.
[Democratic decentralization in the forestry sector: lessons learned from Africa, Asia and Latin America]
Democratic decentralization in the forestry sector: lessons learned from Africa, Asia and Latin America
Forestry decentralization offers new opportunities for participation in decision-making regarding natural resources and for greater local resource control. Yet previous research has found that decentralizations, at least in the way that they are implemented, may also have detrimental effects on f...
Larson, A.M.
Pacheco, P.
Toni, F.
Vallejo Larios, M.
[Exclusion e inclusion en la foresteria latinoamericana: hacia donde va la descentralizacion?]
Exclusion e inclusion en la foresteria latinoamericana: hacia donde va la descentralizacion?
In this book, CIFOR explores the trends, opportunities, problems and challenges of forest decentralization in Guatemala, identifying its consequences particularly for its rural indigenous population and small-scale foresters, and proposing a research and action agenda that would promote increased...
Larson, A.M.
Miguel Barrios, J.
[Descentralizacion forestal y estrategias de vida en Guatemala]
Descentralizacion forestal y estrategias de vida en Guatemala