Describes use of low - level aeral census in counting livestock in Kenya's Maasailand Group Ranches, concentrating on survey designs & efforts made to improve reliability of population estimates, Compares efficiency & precision of aerial & ground counts.
Plant density and tiller cunts were done in several Sahelian rangelands in Mali, under a variety of soil, rainfall and grazing situations. Numeric models were developed to explain the dynamic relationship between grass tillering and herb density. Tests of application of these models to the plant ...
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Leeuw, P.N. de
Diarra, L.
[Modelling tillering of annual grasses as a function of plant density: Application to Sahelian rangelands productivity and dynamics]
Modelling tillering of annual grasses as a function of plant density: Application to Sahelian rangelands productivity and dynamics
Discusses a practical non-destructive sampling procedure of experimental Napier grass populations (Pennisetum purpureum) which is determined by the number of stools per row of planted Napier grass, the number of tillers per stool and the number, height and thickness of each tiller, the latter bei...
We begin by stressing that relevant and adequate information is an essential ingredient of efficient decision-making processes aimed at optimising the performance of livestock enterprises. Such decisions are universally made, so that though different approaches may be required, animal health and ...
Leeuw, P.N. de
McDermott, John J.
Lebbie, S.H.B.
[Monitoring of livestock health and production in sub-Saharan Africa]
Monitoring of livestock health and production in sub-Saharan Africa
Reviews various approaches and techniques used in a number of sub-Saharan African countries to collect and analyze data on large-scale ecological changes with particular reference to remote sensing and monitoring techniques in resource inventory; suggests ways to build more effective data bases.
Leeuw, P.N. de
Milligan, K.
[L'utilisation des enquetes integrees pour le recensement des ressources et le suivi de l'evolution des systemes pastoraux en Afrique au sud du Sahara]
L'utilisation des enquetes integrees pour le recensement des ressources et le suivi de l'evolution des systemes pastoraux en Afrique au sud du Sahara
Analyzes the output of the Maasai pastoral system by examining three group ranches in the Kajiado District in Kenya, first in terms of output per animal, household cash and subsistence income from livestock for large-and small-scale producers, and second in terms of output per unit of pastoral land.
Leeuw, P.N. de
Bekure, S.
Grandin, B.E.
[Aspects de la productivite de l'elevage dans les ranches collectifs Masai du Kenya]
Aspects de la productivite de l'elevage dans les ranches collectifs Masai du Kenya
Les auteurs analysent la saisonnalite de la feuillaison de 28 especes ligneuses saheliennes afin de caracteriser les disponibilites saisonnieres en feuillage fourrager ainsi que leurs variations interannuelles. Pour chacune des especes, des branchettes de meme calibre ont ete echantillonnees chaq...
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Cisse, M.I.
Diarra, L.
Leeuw, P.N. de
[Fluctuations saisonnieres de la feuillaison des arbres et des buissons saheliens. Consequences pour la quantification des ressources fourrageres]
Fluctuations saisonnieres de la feuillaison des arbres et des buissons saheliens. Consequences pour la quantification des ressources fourrageres
Leeuw, P.N. de
[The primary and secondary productivity of the savannas in the middle belt of Nigeria]
The primary and secondary productivity of the savannas in the middle belt of Nigeria
Presents a summary and comparison of the demographic and production characteristics of five livestock production units studied by ILCA from 1978 to 1984. Discusses herd structure, calving rates, calf mortality, cow mortality, calf growth, milk production and herd productivity.
Leeuw, P.N. de
Wilson, R.T.
[Comparative productivity of indigenous cattle under traditional management in sub-Saharan Africa]
Comparative productivity of indigenous cattle under traditional management in sub-Saharan Africa