Some cultural control measures of weeds in cassava are discussed: quality of the material, planting system and density, density x plant type interaction and use of mulching. In order to study the interaction plant type x planting density, var. M Mex 59 (vigorous) and M Col 22 (nonvigorous) were p...
Se describen algunas medidas de control cultural de malezas en yuca: calidad del material; sistema y densidad de siembra; interaccion tipo de planta x densidad y uso de coberturas. Para estudiar la interaccion tipo de planta x densidad de siembra, se sembraron las var. M Mex 59 (Vigorosa) y M Col...
A detailed review on cassava production in intercropping systems is given, based on the following aspects: selection of plant types for intercropping; realtive planting time, planting density and pattern (spatial arrangement); mineral nutrition and fertilization, competition for nutrients; pest, ...
Sieverding, E
Leihner, D.E.
[Influence of crop rotation and intercropping of cassava with legumes on VA mycorrhizal symbiosis of cassava]
Influence of crop rotation and intercropping of cassava with legumes on VA mycorrhizal symbiosis of cassava
Recent information on the biological balance between purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) and cassava is analyzed; the possibilities of influencing this balance to favor cassava are also studied. The slow initial growth of cassava highly favors the development and propagation of C. rotundus, result...
Leihner, D.E.
Holguin V., J.
López M., J.
[El coquito (Cyperus rotundus L.) en el cultivo de yuca: Interacciones y control]
El coquito (Cyperus rotundus L.) en el cultivo de yuca: Interacciones y control
Soil erosion and the productivity of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) cropping systems, including forage legume intercropping, were monitored under natural rainfall conditions on Inceptisols in southwest Colombia. Trials were conducted over two cropping periods on moderate slopes. The best eros...
Leihner, D.E.
Ruppenthal, M
Hilger, TH
Castillo Franco, JA
[Soil conservation effectiveness and crop productivity of forage legume intercropping, contour grass barriers and contour ridging in cassava on Andean hillsides]
Soil conservation effectiveness and crop productivity of forage legume intercropping, contour grass barriers and contour ridging in cassava on Andean hillsides
In view of the lack of information on the use of herbicides in polycultures including non-commercial crop species, 2 expt. were designed to identify herbicides and doses suitable for crop associations including cassava. A total of 6 products were tested single or in mixtures having been chosen fo...
López M., J.
Leihner, D.E.
[Control quimico de malezas en policultivos con yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz)]
Control quimico de malezas en policultivos con yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
CIAT has developed a new intercropping technology (cassava/grain legume associations) that tries to solve the numerous problems that arise in traditional intercropping systems. High-yielding cassava cv. with an erect, late-branching growth habit are recommended to minimize intercrop competition. ...
The management of cassava intercropping and its evaluation are described. Multiple cropping systems are defined: consecutive cropping and intercropping (mixed intercropping, row intercropping, strip intercropping, and relay intercropping). Basic biological and nutritional aspects of multiple crop...
Se presenta una descripcion del manejo de cultivos asociados con yuca y su evaluacion. Se definen lo que son los sistemas de cultivo multiple (cultivo consecutivo y cultivo intercalado o asociado-intercalado mixto, intercalado en surcos, intercalado en franjas, intercalado en relevo), se analizan...