The methodology used for better conservation of the quality of planting material and to reduce the losses caused by the inadequate storage of cuttings is discussed. Generally, it is recommendable to shorten the storage period as much as possible. General conditions for the conservation of cutting...
Se discute la metodologia utilizada para conservar mejor la calidad del material de siembra y reducir las perdidas ocasionadas por el almacenamiento inadecuado de las estacas. En general, se recomienda reducir al max. posible el periodo de almacenamiento. Se enumeran las condiciones generales par...
Leihner, D.E.
Andrade, A.S.
[Respuesta agronomica de la yuca a duracion y modalidad del almacenamiento de estacas]
Respuesta agronomica de la yuca a duracion y modalidad del almacenamiento de estacas
A detailed review on cassava production in intercropping systems is given, based on the following aspects: selection of plant types for intercropping; realtive planting time, planting density and pattern (spatial arrangement); mineral nutrition and fertilization, competition for nutrients; pest, ...
CIAT has developed a new intercropping technology (cassava/grain legume associations) that tries to solve the numerous problems that arise in traditional intercropping systems. High-yielding cassava cv. with an erect, late-branching growth habit are recommended to minimize intercrop competition. ...
The low cassava yields obtained in L.A. at present are the result of a complex of problems: 1) deficient quality of planting material, which results in low sprouting, poor rooting and little initial vigor; 2) inadequate land preparation and planting systems; 3) control systems for pests and disea...
Leihner, D.E.
Castro Merino, A.
[Practicas sencillas para aumentar el rendimiento del cultivo de la yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz)]
Practicas sencillas para aumentar el rendimiento del cultivo de la yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
The effects of cutting storage on cassava root and branch production as well as on other crop characteristics (wt. loss, percentage of viable cuttings, sprouting 80 days after planting, final stand, no. of seed- cuttings/plant) were studied under field conditions in the banana growing zone of San...
Luna R., J.M.
Correa, H.
Leihner, D.E.
[Influencia do armazenamento de manivas de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) na producao de raizes e ramas]
Influencia do armazenamento de manivas de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) na producao de raizes e ramas
The management of cassava intercropping and its evaluation are described. Multiple cropping systems are defined: consecutive cropping and intercropping (mixed intercropping, row intercropping, strip intercropping, and relay intercropping). Basic biological and nutritional aspects of multiple crop...
Se presenta una descripcion del manejo de cultivos asociados con yuca y su evaluacion. Se definen lo que son los sistemas de cultivo multiple (cultivo consecutivo y cultivo intercalado o asociado-intercalado mixto, intercalado en surcos, intercalado en franjas, intercalado en relevo), se analizan...