De nombreuses organisations font la promotion des produits forestiers non ligneux (Pfnl) en Afrique centrale afin d'améliorer la gestion de la forêt et de contribuer à l'élévation des niveaux de vie en milieu rural. Trois sites ont été retenus dans la zone méridionale du Cameroun pour analyser l'...
Lescuyer, G.
[Importance économique des produits forestiers non ligneux dans quelques villages du Sud-Cameroun]
Importance économique des produits forestiers non ligneux dans quelques villages du Sud-Cameroun
NTFP are often presented as bringing a major contribution to rural livelihoods in terms of food and cash, and this particularly for rural communities. Few data are available in Gabon to confirm this common assertion. An annual monitoring of 127 households was conducted in 14 villages around two t...
Midoko Iponga, D.
Mikolo-Yobo, C.
Lescuyer, G.
Mba Assoumou, F.
Levang, P.
Tieguhong, J.C.
Ngoye, A.
[Evaluation of the contribution of NTFPs gathering: to rural people’s livelihoods around two timber concessions in Gabon]
Evaluation of the contribution of NTFPs gathering: to rural people’s livelihoods around two timber concessions in Gabon
Le cadre de réglementation camerounais sur les forêts, la faune et la pêche oblige les exploitants forestiers à payer une redevance forestière (RF), dont la moitié doit être reversée aux communes rurales (40 %) et aux villages riverains (10 %) des concessions forestières. La RF a pour objectifs ...
Cerutti, P.O.
Lescuyer, G.
Assembe-Mvondo, S.
Tacconi, L.
[Les défis de la redistribution des bénéfices monétaires tirés de la forêt pour les administrations locales: une décennie de redevance forestière assise sur la superficie du titre d’exploitation au Cameroun]
Les défis de la redistribution des bénéfices monétaires tirés de la forêt pour les administrations locales: une décennie de redevance forestière assise sur la superficie du titre d’exploitation au Cameroun
Lescuyer, G.
Nasi, Robert
[Financial and economic values of bushmeat in rural and urban livelihoods in Cameroon: Inputs to the development of public policy]
Financial and economic values of bushmeat in rural and urban livelihoods in Cameroon: Inputs to the development of public policy
Lescuyer, G.
Cerutti, P.O.
Robiglio, V.
[Artisanal chainsaw milling to support decentralized management of timber in Central Africa? An analysis through the theory of access]
Artisanal chainsaw milling to support decentralized management of timber in Central Africa? An analysis through the theory of access
Eba'a Atyi, R.
Assembe-Mvondo, S.
Lescuyer, G.
Cerutti, P.O.
[Impacts of international timber procurement policies on Central Africa's forestry sector: the case of Cameroon]
Impacts of international timber procurement policies on Central Africa's forestry sector: the case of Cameroon
Levang, P.
Lescuyer, G.
Noumbissi, D.
Déhu, C.
Broussolle, L.
[Does gathering really pay? Case studies from forest areas of the East and South regions of Cameroon]
Does gathering really pay? Case studies from forest areas of the East and South regions of Cameroon
Wiersum, K.F
Lescuyer, G.
Nketiah, K. S
Wit, M.
[International forest governance regimes: reconciling concerns on timber legality and forest-based livelihoods]
International forest governance regimes: reconciling concerns on timber legality and forest-based livelihoods
Robiglio, V.
Lescuyer, G.
Cerutti, P.O.
[From farmers to loggers: the role of shifting cultivation landscapes in timber production in Cameroon]
From farmers to loggers: the role of shifting cultivation landscapes in timber production in Cameroon