Until the end of the nineteenth century primary forests covered nearly all the island of Sumatra. The first valorisation of this natural resource was hunting and gathering activities, followed by and later associated with swidden cultivation of upland rice. The industrial revolution in Europe and...
Feintrenie, L.
Levang, P.
[Sumatra’s rubber agroforests: advent, rise and fall of a sustainable cropping system]
Sumatra’s rubber agroforests: advent, rise and fall of a sustainable cropping system
The biodiversity and climate consequences of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) expansion across South East Asia have received considerable attention. The human side of the issue, highlighted with reports of negative livelihood outcomes and rights abuses by oil palm companies, has also led to controver...
Rist, L.
Feintrenie, L.
Levang, P.
[The livelihood impacts of oil palm: smallholders in Indonesia]
The livelihood impacts of oil palm: smallholders in Indonesia
Rattan cultivated as part of the traditional swidden agricultural system has been a major source of internationally traded rattan raw material and, more recently, the basis of a strong domestic furniture and handicrafts industry. The rattan gardens of Kalimantan provide an example of an intermedi...
Pambudhi, F.
Belcher, B.
Levang, P.
Dewi, S.
[Rattan (Calamus spp.) gardens of Kalimantan: resilience and evolution in a managed non-timber forest product system]
Rattan (Calamus spp.) gardens of Kalimantan: resilience and evolution in a managed non-timber forest product system
Belcher, B.
Levang, P.
Dewi, S.
Achdiawan, R.
Tarigan, J.
Riva, W.F.
Kurniawan, I.
Sitorus, S.
Mustikasari, R.
[Resilience and evolution in a managed NTFP system: evidence from the rattan gardens of Kalimantan]
Resilience and evolution in a managed NTFP system: evidence from the rattan gardens of Kalimantan
Levang, P.
Sheil, Douglas
Kanninen, M.
[Le palmier à huile, Dr Jekill pour l’énergie, Mr Hyde pour la biodiversité]
Le palmier à huile, Dr Jekill pour l’énergie, Mr Hyde pour la biodiversité
In situ conservation of tropical forests often requires restricting human use and occupancy within protected areas by enforcing regulations. However, law enforcement interventions that seek to prevent deforestation rarely have been evaluated. Conservationists increasingly recognize the need to me...
Gaveau, D.L.A.
Linkie, M.
Levang, P.
Leader-Williams, N.
[Three decades of deforestation in southwest Sumatra: effects of coffee prices, law enforcement and rural poverty]
Three decades of deforestation in southwest Sumatra: effects of coffee prices, law enforcement and rural poverty
Lazard, J.
Baruthio, A.
Mathé, S.
Chia, Eduardo
Rey-Valette, H.
Clément, O.
Morissens, P.
Mikolasek, O.
Legendre, M.
Levang, P.
Slembrouck, J.
René, F.
Aubin, J.
Blancheton, J.P.
[Diversité des systèmes aquacoles et développement durable: entre structure d’exploitation et représentations]
Diversité des systèmes aquacoles et développement durable: entre structure d’exploitation et représentations
Levang, P.
Sitorus, S.
Abot, D.
Mamung, D.
[Timbal-balik dan sumber mata pencaharian alternatif bagi masyarakat yang hidupnya bergantung pada hutan di hutan penelitian Malinau]
Timbal-balik dan sumber mata pencaharian alternatif bagi masyarakat yang hidupnya bergantung pada hutan di hutan penelitian Malinau
Located on the fringe of the last tropical rainforests of Sumatra, rubber agroforests are known to conserve the main ecological functions of the primary forest, including a large part of its biodiversity. Nowadays these smallholder plantations are under threat. The regular rise of natural rubber ...
Therville, C.
Feintrenie, L.
Levang, P.
[Farmers’ perspectives about agroforests conversion to plantations in Sumatra: lessons learnt fro m Bungo district (Jambi, Indonesia)]
Farmers’ perspectives about agroforests conversion to plantations in Sumatra: lessons learnt fro m Bungo district (Jambi, Indonesia)