This article points to the importance of systems and praxis-oriented approach in understanding the problem of illegal logging in Indonesia. In recent years, there has been a tendency on the part of industry analysts and forestry sector observes to view the seemingly irremediable spread of illegal...
Obidzinski, K.
Suramenggala, I.
Levang, P.
[L'exploitation forestiere illegale en Indonesie: un inquietant processus de legalisation]
L'exploitation forestiere illegale en Indonesie: un inquietant processus de legalisation
Levang, P.
Sitorus, S.
Abot, D.
Mamung, D.
[Timbal-balik dan sumber mata pencaharian alternatif bagi masyarakat yang hidupnya bergantung pada hutan di hutan penelitian Malinau]
Timbal-balik dan sumber mata pencaharian alternatif bagi masyarakat yang hidupnya bergantung pada hutan di hutan penelitian Malinau
According to the Indonesian constitution of 1945, customary rights are only recognized if not in contradiction with the superior interests of the Nation. The contradiction is most blatant in matters of forest management. Under the Dutch colonial rule as well as under the auspices of the young ind...
Levang, P.
Buyse, N.
[Droits fonciers coutumiers et autonomie regionale a Kalimantan a Kalimantan-Est (Indonesie): entre enjeux de pouvoir et contrôle de l’accès aux ressources.]
Droits fonciers coutumiers et autonomie regionale a Kalimantan a Kalimantan-Est (Indonesie): entre enjeux de pouvoir et contrôle de l’accès aux ressources.
This case study covers work in the Malinau catchment in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, a vast area of primary and secondary forest with scattered villages. The project has evolved to focus on key factors underlying poverty and forest loss. Inappropriate harvesting is reducing biodiversity, limiting ...
Campbell, Bruce M.
Gunarso, P.
Kartawinata, K.
Levang, P.
Rhee, S.
Sheil, Douglas
Sist, P.
Wollenberg, Eva K.
[Empowering forest dwellers and managing forests more sustainably in the landscapes of Borneo]
Empowering forest dwellers and managing forests more sustainably in the landscapes of Borneo
Gunarso, P.
Santosa, K.D.
Shackleton, Charlie M.
Sunderland, T.C.H.
Campbell, Bruce M.
Priyadi, H.
Levang, P.
Sheil, Douglas
Dounias, E.
[Menuju pengelolaan hutan lestari dan sumber penghidupan masyarakat yang lebih baik di hutan tropis: Pembelajaran dan kesimpulan]
Menuju pengelolaan hutan lestari dan sumber penghidupan masyarakat yang lebih baik di hutan tropis: Pembelajaran dan kesimpulan