This paper deals with "Indigenous peoples' health in changing rainforests". It describes the study carried out jointly by CIFOR and IRD on the nutritional ecology of the Punan Tubu in Eastern Kalimantan. It compares the contrasted situations between the Punan who still leave remotedly in the fore...
Dounias, E.
Kishi, M.
Selzner, A.
Kurniawan, I.
Levang, P.
[No longer nomadic: changing Punan Tubu lifestyle requires new health strategies]
No longer nomadic: changing Punan Tubu lifestyle requires new health strategies
Dounias, E.
Selzner, A.
Koizumi, M.
Levang, P.
[From sago to rice, from forest to town: the consequences of sedentarization for the nutritional ecology of Punan former hunter-gatherers of Borneo]
From sago to rice, from forest to town: the consequences of sedentarization for the nutritional ecology of Punan former hunter-gatherers of Borneo
That forest people intimately depend on forests for their livelihoods is widely accepted and, so it is predicted, the rapid pace of deforestation in the humid tropics will soon lead them into utter destitution or, worse, drive them into cities. Socio-economic studies recently carried out among Pu...
The Punan Tubu, a group of hunter-gatherers in East-Kalimantan, Indonesia, are used to illustrate the very real trade-offs that are made between conservation and development. This group has undergone various forms of resettlement in the 20th century, to the point that some are now settled close t...
Levang, P.
Sitorus, S.
Dounias, E.
[City life in the midst of the forest: a Punan hunter-gatherer’s vision of conservation and development]
City life in the midst of the forest: a Punan hunter-gatherer’s vision of conservation and development