Market mechanisms for forest environmental services are increasingly used for promoting environmental conservation, and their impacts on development are of considerable interest. In Costa Rica a national scheme of Payment for Environmental Services (PSA) rewards landowners for the services provid...
Locatelli, Bruno
Rojas, V.
Salinas, Z.
[Impacts of payments for environmental services on local development in northern Costa Rica: A fuzzy multi-criteria analysis]
Impacts of payments for environmental services on local development in northern Costa Rica: A fuzzy multi-criteria analysis
Locatelli, Bruno
Pedroni, L.
Salinas, Z.
[Design issues in clean development mechanism forestry projects]
Design issues in clean development mechanism forestry projects
Locatelli, Bruno
Schroeder, M.
[Preguntas frecuentes sobre adicionalidad en proyectos forestales MDL]
Preguntas frecuentes sobre adicionalidad en proyectos forestales MDL
The most prominent international responses to climate change focus on mitigation (reducing the accumulation of greenhouse gases) rather than adaptation (reducing the vulnerability of society and ecosystems). However, with climate change now inevitable, adaptation is gaining importance in the poli...
Locatelli, Bruno
Kanninen, M.
Brockhaus, M.
Colfer, C.J.P.
Murdiyarso, Daniel
Santoso, H.
[Face à un avenir incertain: comment les forêts et les populations peuvent s’adapter au changement climatique]
Face à un avenir incertain: comment les forêts et les populations peuvent s’adapter au changement climatique
In developing countries where economies and livelihoods depend largely on ecosystem services, policies for adaptation to climate change should take into account the role of these services in increasing the resilience of society. This ecosystem-based approach to adaptation was the focus of an inte...
Vignola, R.
Locatelli, Bruno
Martínez, C.
Imbach, Pablo
[Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change: what role for policy-makers, society and scientists?]
Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change: what role for policy-makers, society and scientists?
An increasing number of global, complex, interacting environmental and socio-economic drivers of change affect forests and society. This new book presents and discusses the challenges and opportunities related to the global drivers of change and the ways to reduce their adverse effects as well as...
Locatelli, Bruno
Brockhaus, M.
Buck, A.
Thompson, I
Bahamondez, C.
Murdock, T.
Roberts, G.
Webbe, J.
[Forests and adaptation to climate change: challenges and opportunities]
Forests and adaptation to climate change: challenges and opportunities
Imbach, Pablo
Molina, L.
Locatelli, Bruno
Corrales, L.
[Vulnerabilidad de los servicios ecosistémicos hidrológicos al cambio climático en Mesoamérica]
Vulnerabilidad de los servicios ecosistémicos hidrológicos al cambio climático en Mesoamérica
Locatelli, Bruno
Imbach, I.
[Migración de ecosistemas bajo escenarios de cambio climático: el rol de los corredores biológicos en Costa Rica]
Migración de ecosistemas bajo escenarios de cambio climático: el rol de los corredores biológicos en Costa Rica
Locatelli, Bruno
Kanninen, M.
[Servicios ecosistémicos y adaptación al cambio climático]
Servicios ecosistémicos y adaptación al cambio climático
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in payments for environmental services (PES) for ecosystem-based adaptation (EBA). So far, however, experiences and theoretical analyses of PES specifically for adaptation have not been well documented. This paper addresses this gap by analysing ...
Wertz-Kanounnikoff, S.
Locatelli, Bruno
Wunder, Sven
Brockhaus, M.
[Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change: What scope for payments for environmental services?]
Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change: What scope for payments for environmental services?