The effect of microwaves on the eradication of fungal and bacterial pathogens in cassava sexual seed was investigated. Healthy mature fruits were collected and dried under ambient conditions. Seeds were selected according to specific wt. by placing them in a glass of water and discarding those th...
Lozano, J.C.
Laberry, R.
Bermudez, A.
[Erradicacion de patogenos de semilla sexual de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) mediante el tratamiento con microondas]
Erradicacion de patogenos de semilla sexual de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) mediante el tratamiento con microondas
Information on some diseases and pests that attack cassava, as well as the symptoms induced by nutritional deficiencies and toxicities and damage resulting from the misuse of herbicides are given in this manual. Specific and general recommendations regarding the control of the described problems ...
En este manual se presenta informacion sobre algunas de las enfermedades y plagas que atacan a la yuca, como tambien los sintomas inducidos por deficiencias y toxicidades nutricionales y danos debidos al uso incorrecto de los herbicidas. Se incluyen recomendaciones generales y especificas para el...
Lozano, J.C.
Bellotti, Anthony C.
Reyes, J.A.
Howeler, Reinhardt H.
Leihner, D.E.
Doll, J.
[Problemas en el cultivo de la yuca]
Problemas en el cultivo de la yuca
A new disease of cassava has been found inducing epidemics in several cassava-growing areas of Colombia during the rainy season. The disease can be recognized by a characteristic exaggerated elongation of the internodes of young stems of infected plants and by the distortion and deformation of th...
CIAT`s contribution to this joint research program was (1) to develop a technique for the production of bacteria-free planting stocks of cassava and (2) to study the effect of physical therapeutic agents on vegetative material used for propagation. The propagation technique developed to produce C...
Lozano, J.C.
[Inactivation of pathogenic organisms of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) by heat and other treatments]
Inactivation of pathogenic organisms of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) by heat and other treatments
The most important bacterial disease of cassava is cassava bacterial blight (CBB). This disease was first recorded in Brazil but was later reported in Colombia and observed in several other countries in South America and Africa. Symptoms of this disease are leaf spotting, wilting, dieback and gum...
Lozano, J.C.
Bellotti, Anthony C.
[Control integrado de enfermedades y pestes en la yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz)]
Control integrado de enfermedades y pestes en la yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
Bacterial wilt of cassava (Manihot esculenta) is the most serious disease in Central and South America, and it has recently been reported in Africa. The symptoms are foliage lesions, dieback, exudation of gum from the young sprouts, and vascular necrosis of stems and roots of susceptible cultivar...
Lozano, J.C.
[El anublo bacterial de la yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) en America: Etiologia, epidemiologia y control]
El anublo bacterial de la yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) en America: Etiologia, epidemiologia y control
Bacterial blight of cassava is a serious problem in Central and South America and has been observed in parts of Africa. Symptoms include leaf spotting, wilting, dieback, gum exudation on young shoots, and vascular discoloration in mature stems and roots of susceptible cultivars. Dispersal by rain...
The different alternatives for disease control in cassava, registered as efficient and considered as possible candidates for inclusion in technological packages for cassava cultivation, are summarized. Certain specific characteristics of cassava and its cultivation that should be considered when ...
Se resumen las diferentes alternativas que para el control de enfermedades en yuca se han registrado como eficientes y que podrian tenerse en cuenta al proyectar paquetes tecnologicos para la produccion de ese cultivo. Se enumeran ciertas caracteristicas especificas de la yuca y su cultivo que se...