Honduras is now the largest coffee producer in Central America. Low cost of production, generational change and institutional support resulted in an average annual production growth of 5%. About 110,000 families have coffee as a primary income. 95% of these are smallholders with less than 7ha. Co...
Bunn, Christian
Lundy, Mark
Läderach, Peter
Girvetz, Evan H.
Castro, Fabio
[Climate Smart coffee in Honduras]
Climate Smart coffee in Honduras
Fairtrade (FT) is one of the most well-known Alternative Trade Organizations (ATOs). The FT movement intends to develop mutually beneficial partnerships, support organizational capacity building, guarantee prices higher than market prices, and provide a social premium to finance communi...
Río Duque, Martha Lilia del
González, Carolina
Córdoba, Diana M.
Howland, Fanny Cecile
Gutiérrez, Natalia
Lundy, Mark
[Impacts of Fair Trade-Certified Coffee in Nicaragua,Brazil, Honduras, and Peru: Implications for livelihoods and empowerment of farm workers and independent smallholder producers.]
Impacts of Fair Trade-Certified Coffee in Nicaragua,Brazil, Honduras, and Peru: Implications for livelihoods and empowerment of farm workers and independent smallholder producers.
Actualmente, Honduras es el mayor productor de café en Centro América. El bajo costo de producción, el cambio generacional y el apoyo institucional dieron como resultado un crecimiento de la producción anual promedio del 5 %. Cerca de 110.000 familias obtienen su ingreso primario del café y de e...
Bunn, Christian
Lundy, Mark
Läderach, Peter
Castro-Llanos, Fabio
Girvetz, Evan H.
[Café sostenible adaptado al clima en Honduras]
Café sostenible adaptado al clima en Honduras
The climate-smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects an ambition to improve the integration of agriculture
development and climate responsiveness. It aims to achieve food security and broader development goals under a changing climate and increasing food demand. CSA initiatives sustainably increa...
Bunn, Christian
Lundy, Mark
Läderach, Peter
Fernández Kolb, Pablo
Castro-Llanos, Fabio
[Climate-smart coffee in Uganda]
Climate-smart coffee in Uganda
Guatemala is the second-largest coffee producer in Central America after Honduras. The coffee sector is a driver of the rural economy, providing incomes for over 122000 farmers, 98% of whom are smallholders. Guatemalan coffee production generates half a million jobs in the rural economy, nearly 1...
Bunn, Christian
Lundy, Mark
Läderach, Peter
Fernández Kolb, Pablo
Castro-Llanos, Fabio
Rigsby, Dylan
[Climate Smart coffee in Guatemala]
Climate Smart coffee in Guatemala
El café es básico en las exportaciones y producción agrícola de América Central, y El Salvador no es la excepción. Este constituye el segundo mayor producto de exportación en términos de valor, con ingresos anuales de US$113,4 millones en moneda extranjera. El sector cafetalero genera más de 40.0...
Fernández Kolb, Pablo
Castro-Llanos, Fabio
Martinez-Valle, Armando
Siles, Pablo
Läderach, Peter
Lundy, Mark
Bunn, Christian
[Café sostenible adaptado al clima en El Salvador]
Café sostenible adaptado al clima en El Salvador
Coffee is a staple of Central American exports and agricultural production, not least in El Salvador. Coffee is the second-highest export in terms of value at around US$ 113.4 million in annual foreign currency earnings. The coffee sector directly generates over 40,000 jobs in rural El Salvador. ...
Fernández Kolb, Pablo
Castro-Llanos, Fabio
Martinez-Valle, Armando
Siles, Pablo
Läderach, Peter
Lundy, Mark
Bunn, Christian
[Climate Smart Coffee in El Salvador]
Climate Smart Coffee in El Salvador
El presente documento es un atlas de Centro América y El Caribe que proporciona información general sobre los diferentes grados de esfuerzo de adaptación necesarios para mitigar los impactos del cambio climático en la producción de café. Así mismo, contiene mapas de la región, y por país, de las ...
Bunn, Christian
Lundy, Mark
Castro-Llanos, Fabio
[Impacto del cambio climático en la producción de café en México y Centroamérica]
Impacto del cambio climático en la producción de café en México y Centroamérica
This atlas for Central America provides general information on the different degrees of adaptation efforts needed to mitigate climate change impacts on coffee production, as well as maps of the region and of each country, agroclimatic zone maps (ACZ), and impact gradient maps. This information fa...
Bunn, Christian
Lundy, Mark
Castro-Llanos, Fabio
[Climate Change Impacts on Coffee Production in Mexico and Central America]
Climate Change Impacts on Coffee Production in Mexico and Central America
In Mesoamerica, coffee production is an important part of economies and societies, forming the backbone of thousands of families’ livelihoods and contributing significantly to national agricultural GDPs. Yet it is in Mexico and Central America that climate forecasts predict severe impacts from cl...
Läderach, Peter
Haggar, Jeremy P.
Lau, Charlotte
Eitzinger, Anton
Ovalle O
Baca, María
Jarvis, Andy
Lundy, Mark
[Mesoamerican coffee: building a climate change adaptation strategy]
Mesoamerican coffee: building a climate change adaptation strategy