The process of identifying the "relevant constraints" and their incidence on breeding programs and agricultural research of international centers are explained and case histories are provided on the role of these 3 types of information (macro stage, micro stage, critical inference stage) related ...
Sanders, J.H.
Lynam, John K.
[Systems of production of beans and cassava in Latin America with implications for research design]
Systems of production of beans and cassava in Latin America with implications for research design
La Colorada, on the North Coast of Colombia, was chosen by CIAT to study new technology validation in cassava. Trials measured the productivity of improved cassava production technology under actual field conditions, defined factors limiting cassava yields that may have been overlooked in the des...
Agricultural research in developing countries has lacked relevance to farm-level production problems, especially appropriate technologies for small-scale or limited-resource farmers. Currently research institutions are directing their efforts towards these objectives. This paper is a preliminary ...
Lynam, John K.
Sanders, J.H.
[The role of economists in on-farm testing in agricultural research]
The role of economists in on-farm testing in agricultural research
The possibilities of underdeveloped countries to satisfy their needs for food and to improve the standard of Eving through cassava production are analyzed. The following aspects are studied: potential cassava production (current and potential situation), general research policies and areas (var. ...
The different methodological stages of cassava on-farm trials and their relationships regarding the objectives and functions of the Cassava Program at the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) are outlined. Site selection, farm trial design and analysis, and some illustrative result...
Lynam, John K.
[Metodología en los ensayos de yuca a nivel de fincas: (Una evaluación intermedia)]
Metodología en los ensayos de yuca a nivel de fincas: (Una evaluación intermedia)
In L.A., food uses determine the demand for cassava, especially in rural areas, because of problems in marketing this highly perishable crop. Production is stagnant due apparently to the lack of growth in demand. A significant growth market for cassava products is needed; e.g., the alcohol progra...
En America Latina, la utilizacion de los alimentos determina la demanda de yuca, especialmente en las areas rurales, debido a los problemas en el mercadeo de este cultivo altamente perecedero. La produccion se ha estancado debido a la falta de crecimiento de la demanda. Se necesita un significant...
The possibilities of underdeveloped countries to satisfy their needs for food and to improve the standard of Eving through cassava production are analyzed. The following aspects are studied: potential cassava production (current and potential situation), general research policies and areas (var. ...
Se analizan las posibilidades de los paises subdesarrollados para satisfacer sus necesidades de alimentacion y mejorar el nivel de vida con base en la produccion de yuca. Se contemplan los siguientes aspectos: produccion potencial de la yuca (situacion actual y potencial), politica general de la ...
Cock, James H.
Lynam, John K.
[Potencial futuro e investigacion necesaria para el incremento de la yuca]
Potencial futuro e investigacion necesaria para el incremento de la yuca
The trends of world cassava production, yield, consumption, trade and prices are discussed for the period 1963-75. Data are given in table form. (CIAT)
Se discuten las tendencias de la produccion mundial de la yuca, su rendimiento, consumo, mercadeo y precios para el periodo 1963- 75. Los datos se suministran por medio de cuadros. (CIAT)
A detailed review on cassava production in intercropping systems is given, based on the following aspects: selection of plant types for intercropping; realtive planting time, planting density and pattern (spatial arrangement); mineral nutrition and fertilization, competition for nutrients; pest, ...