Population pressure in the southern provinces of Benin has forced farmers to shorten or abandon the traditional bush fallow system. As a consequence, severe soil degradation and weed infestation constitute the most serious constraints to agricultural productivity. Mucuna fallow is one of the most...
In 1987, the leguminous cover crop Mucuna pruriens var. utilis was introduced on researcher-managed demonstration fields for novel technologies. The objective was to ad-dress the serious soil-fertility decline on the Adja Plateau in southern Bénin. But farmers were more impressed by the ability o...
L'histoire du Mucuna a commencé en République du Bénin en 1987, lorsque le Mucunapruriens var. utilis a été introduit aux paysans du village de Zouzouvou sur le plateauAdja. Bien qu'au départ le Mucuna ait été présenté aux paysans pour restaurer la fertilitédes sols, ceux-ci ont été plus impressi...
Versteeg, M.
Amadji, F.
Eteka, A.
Houndekon, V.A.
Manyong, Victor M.
[Collaboration to increase the use of Mucuna in production systems in Benin]
Collaboration to increase the use of Mucuna in production systems in Benin
L'analyse des determinants de l'adoption du Mucuna a l'aide d'un moddle econometnquea revele que des variables telles que le statut foncier, le nombre de sarclages avant lardcolte, la source d'informalion, la perte de la petite saison & I'appreciation du niveau defertilite des sols et le revenu t...
Houndekon, V.A.
Manyong, Victor M.
Gogan, C.A.
Versteeg, M.
[Determinants de ladoption du Mucuna dans le departement du Mono au Benin]
Determinants de ladoption du Mucuna dans le departement du Mono au Benin
Striga hermonthica, an obligate root parasite of grasses, is one of the most severe constraints to cereal production in sub-Saharan Africa. In the recent past, prior to increased production pressure on land, S. hermonthica was controlled in African farming systems by prolonged crop rotations with...
Berner, D.A.
Carsky, R.
Dashiell, Kenton E.
Kling, J.
Manyong, Victor M.
[A land management based approach to integrated Striga hermonthica control in subSaharan Africa]
A land management based approach to integrated Striga hermonthica control in subSaharan Africa
Mignouna, B.D.
Maroya, N.
Aighewi, B.A.
Kumar, L.
Akinribido, B.
Ikeorgu, J.
Abdoulaye, Tahirou
Akinola, Adebayo A.
Alene, A.D.
Manyong, Victor M.
Asiedu, Robert
[Impact assessment report of YIIFSWA project: raising household income, improving food security and reducing poverty in Nigeria]
Impact assessment report of YIIFSWA project: raising household income, improving food security and reducing poverty in Nigeria
Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) is a major threat to cassava production in eastern and southern Africa. While the conventional breeding approach is being used to address the problem, biotechnology can also be an option. This paper presents results from an ex-ante assessment of returns to biot...
Manyong, Victor M.
Vercauteren, K.
Tollens, E.F.
[Ex-ante economic impact of the biotechnological research on cassava brown streak disease in eastern and southern Africa]
Ex-ante economic impact of the biotechnological research on cassava brown streak disease in eastern and southern Africa
The purpose of this document is to take stock of the achievements of and gaps in impact assessment (IA) research at IITA since the last External Program and Management Review in 2001 and to highlight elements of a strategy for the future of impact studies at the Institute. Our vision of IA is tha...
Manyong, Victor M.
Alene, A.
Sanogo, D.
Coulibaly, O.
Abele, S.
Nkamleu, G.B.
[Achievements in impact assessment of agricultural research: IITA experience, 2001-2006]
Achievements in impact assessment of agricultural research: IITA experience, 2001-2006
Manyong, Victor M.
Ikpi, A.
Olayemi, J.K.
Yusuf, S.A.
Omonona, B.T.
Okoruwa, V.
Idachaba, F.S.
[Agriculture in Nigeria: identifying opportunities for increased commercialization and investment]
Agriculture in Nigeria: identifying opportunities for increased commercialization and investment
Manyong, Victor M.
Hoeschle-Zeledon, Irmgard
Larbi, Asamoah
Hundie, B.
Alene, A.
[Adoption and impact of sustainable intensification practices in Ghana]
Adoption and impact of sustainable intensification practices in Ghana
Manyong, Victor M.
Ikpi, A.
Olayemi, J.
Yusuf, S.
Omonona, B.
Okoruwa, V.
Idachaba, F.
[Agriculture in Nigeria: identifying opportunities for increased commercialization and investment]
Agriculture in Nigeria: identifying opportunities for increased commercialization and investment