Discusses the use of forage legumes in the contexts of seasonality of other feeds particularly natural pastures and crop residues, the seasonality in animal movements, the competitiveness for land and labour of forage legumes, and the complementarity of forage legumes with other feeds in smallhol...
McIntire, John M.
Debrah, S.K.
[Forage research in smallholder and pastoral production systems]
Forage research in smallholder and pastoral production systems
Randolph, Thomas F.
McIntire, John M.
Beveridge, Malcolm
Peters, Michael
Rischkowsky, Barbara A.
[CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish: Phase II ideas]
CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish: Phase II ideas
Assesses the performance of phosphate rock compared to other phosphates on cereals and feed crops, and the conditions under which it raises yield. Anayses its profitability.
Seyoum, E.
McIntire, John M.
[Etude bibliographique et analyse economique de l'effet des phosphates naturels sur certaines plantes cultivees de l'Afrique de l'Est]
Etude bibliographique et analyse economique de l'effet des phosphates naturels sur certaines plantes cultivees de l'Afrique de l'Est
Herrero, Mario T.
Havlík, Petr
McIntire, John M.
Palazzo, Amanda
Valin, Hugo
[L’avenir de l’élevage africain : Réaliser le potentiel de l’élevage pour la sécurité alimentaire, la réduction de la pauvreté et la protection de l’environnement en Afrique sub- saharienne]
L’avenir de l’élevage africain : Réaliser le potentiel de l’élevage pour la sécurité alimentaire, la réduction de la pauvreté et la protection de l’environnement en Afrique sub- saharienne
Examines fertilizer use in sub-saharan Africa, fertilizer response and economic returns and fertilizer subsidies with government budgetary constraints. Estimates fertilizer import demand.
Presents and discusses analysis of shortcomings cited by Bernsten and Gryseels of ILCA regarding crop and livestock research programmes; includes animal mobility, lifecycle duration, lifecycle synchronization, multiple outputs, non-market inputs, size of experimental unit, producer attitudes, man...
Discusses historcal records, regularities, affected groups, information gathered, and role of information in African famine. Examines the four food security systems used. Mentions the importance of drought cycles.
McIntire, John M.
[Would better information from an early warning system improve African food security?]
Would better information from an early warning system improve African food security?
Presents and discusses the effects of animal power use for improved soil surface drainage on food and feed production on the vertisols of the Ethiopian highlands. Examines the on-farm technology validation programme at ILCA; describes crop/livestock interactions in these vertisol areas; highlight...
Asamenew, G.
Jutzi, S.C.
Tedla, A.
McIntire, John M.
Ikavalko, E.
[Improved draught power use for increased food and feed production on Ethiopian highland vertisols]
Improved draught power use for increased food and feed production on Ethiopian highland vertisols
Outlines an economic evaluation of an improved surface drainage technology, using the broad-bed-maker (BBM) on-farm in four different vertisol areas of the Ethiopian highlands. Presents data on crops and number of areas covered for the on-farm drainage technology, on cost structure of the BBM, an...
Asamenew, G.
Jutzi, S.C.
Tedla, A.
McIntire, John M.
[Economic evaluation of improved vertisol drainage for food crop production in the Ethiopian highlands]
Economic evaluation of improved vertisol drainage for food crop production in the Ethiopian highlands
Examines background to some of the economic analysis done in the African Trypanotolerant Livestock Network; defines some models of animal production; presents results of experiments with the ILCA microcomputer herd model about some important problems in the Network and projects returns to gains o...
McIntire, John M.
[Introduction to economic analysis in the African Trypanotolerant Livestock Network]
Introduction to economic analysis in the African Trypanotolerant Livestock Network