This paper discusses the key information needs to reduce the negative impacts of weather variability and climate change on land degradation and food security, and identifies the opportunities and barriers between the information and services needed. It suggests that vulnerability assessments base...
Aggarwal, Pramod K.
Baethgen, Walter E.
Cooper, Peter J.M.
Gommes R
Lee B
Meinke H
Rathore LS
Sivakumar MVK
[Managing climatic risks to combat land degradation and enhance food security: key information needs]
Managing climatic risks to combat land degradation and enhance food security: key information needs
The impacts of increasing natural climate disasters are threatening food security in the Asia-Pacific region. Rice is Asia’s most important staple food. Climate variability and change directly impact rice production, through changes in rainfall, temperature and CO2 concentrations. The key for sus...
Heath L
Salinger MJ
Falkland T
Hansen, James
Jiang K
Kameyama Y
Kishi, M.
Meinke H
Morton K
Nikitina, E.
Shukla PR
White I
[Climate and Security in Asia and the Pacific (Food, Water and Energy)]
Climate and Security in Asia and the Pacific (Food, Water and Energy)
In many parts of India intensive cultivation of safflower on Vertisols appears to have aggravated the problem of Fusarium wilt in safflower due to the soil borne fungus, Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht f. sp. carthami Klisiwiez and Houstan (FOC). In a long-term field experiment at Patancheru, India, ...
Nageswara Rao V
Sastry RK
Craufurd, Peter Q.
Meinke H
Parsons, D.
Rego TJ
Rathore A
[Cropping systems strategy for effective management of Fusarium wilt in safflower]
Cropping systems strategy for effective management of Fusarium wilt in safflower