The moist savannas of West and Central Africa have great potential for maize grain production due to high levels of radiation and reduced incidence of pests and diseases. However, soils in this zone are generally low in organic matter and cation exchange capacity in addition to land use intensifi...
Ajala, S.O.
Menkir, A.
Kamara, A.Y.
Alabi, S.O.
Abdulai, M.S.
[Breeding strategies to improve maize for adaptation to low soil nitrogen in West and Central Africa]
Breeding strategies to improve maize for adaptation to low soil nitrogen in West and Central Africa
Bandyopadhyay, Ranajit
Menkir, A.
Asaad, S.
Ban, T.
Bergvinson, David
Jeffers, D.
Murakami, J.
Ortiz, R.
Hell, K.
James, B.
Kumar, P.L.
Nigam, S.N.
Upadhyaya, Hari D.
Waliyar, F.
[Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) research-for-development agenda on mycotoxins for enhanced food safety and trade]
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) research-for-development agenda on mycotoxins for enhanced food safety and trade
Maize (Zea mays L) is cultivated under a broad range of climatic conditions in West and Central Africa (WCA). For the purpose of germplasm evaluation, maize researchers in the subregion loosely stratified the diverse environments into four agroecological zones based on their knowledge and experie...
Menkir, A.
[The role of GIS in the development and targeting of maize germplasm to farmers in West and Central Africa]
The role of GIS in the development and targeting of maize germplasm to farmers in West and Central Africa
Kling, J.G.
Menkir, A.
Ajala, S.O.
Quin, K.M.
[Potential for molecular breeding of maize at IITA]
Potential for molecular breeding of maize at IITA
Ortiz, R.
Ekanayake, I.J.
Mahalakshmi, V.
Kamara, A.
Menkir, A.
Nigan, S.N.
Singh, B.B.
Saxena, N.P.
[Development of drought resistant and water stress tolerant crops through traditional breeding]
Development of drought resistant and water stress tolerant crops through traditional breeding
Striga represents the largest biological threat to cereal production in sub-Saharan Africa. Breeding for resistance to Striga has been the focal point of IITA to reduce the impact of this parasite on maize production. The early breeding work at IITA focused on search for tolerance to Striga. IITA...
Menkir, A.
Kling, J.G.
Badu-Apraku, B.
The, C.
Ibikunle, O.
[Recent advances in breeding maize for resistance to Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth]
Recent advances in breeding maize for resistance to Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth
The Guinea savannas of Nigeria have a high potential for the production of maize because of favorable environmental conditions. Despite this high potential, the yields obtained under farmers' conditions are still very low. Low soil fertility and intermittent drought are among major constraints li...
Kamara, A.Y.
Menkir, A.
Omoigui, L.O.
Kureh, I.
[Potential of drought-tolerant maize varieties in nitrogen-deficient soils of the Guinea savannas]
Potential of drought-tolerant maize varieties in nitrogen-deficient soils of the Guinea savannas
Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. is a parasitic weed that seriously constrains maize (Zea mays L) production in sub-Saharan Africa. Yield losses from the infestation of S. hermonthica on maize can reach up to 100%. Host plant resistance is the most effective means of control of the weed, but the ...
Striga herntonthica (Del) Benth., est une herbe parasite limitant laproduction du mais Vea ntoys L.) en Afrique sub-Saharienne. Lespertes en rendement du mais dues ir S. hermontfu'co peuvent atteindre 100 %. La rEsistance genetique est la m6thode la plus efficace pourlutter contre cette plante pa...
Yallou, C.
Menkir, A.
Adetimirin, V.
Kling, J.
[Combining ability of diverse maize inbred lines under Striga infestation in Nigeria and Benin]
Combining ability of diverse maize inbred lines under Striga infestation in Nigeria and Benin
Maize (Zea mays L) research at the Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR), Samaru was initiated in the 1950s with the goal of developing adapted high yielding varieties and hybrids. Germplasm materials were collected from local sources as well as from different countries, including Columbia, K...
La recherche sur le mais i Samaru a ete initi€e dans les ann6es 50avec le proiet d'am6lioration varietale centre sur le d6veloppementd'hybrides et de vari6tes adapt€s b hauts rendements' Les ressourcesg6n6tiques comprenaient du matdriel de source locale ainsi que desintroductions de diff6rents pa...
TA-WECAMAN ont et6 honrologu6es et vulgarisdes auprdsdes agriculteurs Nig€rians. Recemment, des essais de mais richesen proteines de qualit6 ont 6t€ inities en collaboration avec l'llTA-WECAMAN, SG2000 et le CIMMYT et des resultats prometteursont et6 obtenus. L'institut continue ) cooperer avec l...
Ado, S.
Showemimo, F.
Alabi, S.
Badu-Apraku, B.
Menkir, A.
Usman, I.
Abdullahi, U.S.
[Maize research at IAR Samaru]
Maize research at IAR Samaru