Presents results of a field data collection as to the age & sex wise herd structure of settled Fulani cattle herds at Abet in Nigeria. Includes a discussion on herd sizes, sex ratio at various ages & factors affecting it i.e. losses, sales/purchases, percentage of milking cows and calf: cow ratio...
Identifies interrelationships between modifications of the environment and the growth of Nigeria's population and consequent agricultural expansion in the subhumid zone resulting in the disappearance of habitats & hosts of tsetse. Discusses impacts of these changes in the distribution of the nati...
Bourn, D.M.
Milligan, K.
Wint, W.
[Tsetse, trypanosomiasis and cattle in a changing environment]
Tsetse, trypanosomiasis and cattle in a changing environment
Reviews various approaches and techniques used in a number of sub-Saharan African countries to collect and analyze data on large-scale ecological changes with particular reference to remote sensing and monitoring techniques in resource inventory; suggests ways to build more effective data bases.
Leeuw, P.N. de
Milligan, K.
[L'utilisation des enquetes integrees pour le recensement des ressources et le suivi de l'evolution des systemes pastoraux en Afrique au sud du Sahara]
L'utilisation des enquetes integrees pour le recensement des ressources et le suivi de l'evolution des systemes pastoraux en Afrique au sud du Sahara
Discusses six alternative methods for estimating livestock populations based on aerial surveys, mentioning two main factors which affect the resulting population estimates, particularly sampling fraction and the degree of aggregation or clumping of the population being sampled.
Grimsdell, J.J.R.
Bille, Jean-Claude
Milligan, K.
[Autres methodes de recensement aerien du betail]
Autres methodes de recensement aerien du betail
Rapport sur le mode de repartition animale et humaine dans le Gourma malien en saison seche decrivant quelques resultats preliminaires de vues aeriennes a basse altitude prises au dessus du Gourma couvrant 83.300 km2 et constituant la base d'une analyse future.
Milligan, K.
[Mode de repartition animale et humaine dans le Gourma du Mali en saison seche (rapport preliminaire, etude exploratoire)]
Mode de repartition animale et humaine dans le Gourma du Mali en saison seche (rapport preliminaire, etude exploratoire)
Presents results of the first of a series of aerial reconnaissance surveys carried out by a joint ILCA/RDP team in the Southern Ethiopian rangelands, to count & map the distribution of livestock & Borana pastoralists as well as variations in rangeland & water conditions during the four main clima...
Milligan, K.
[An aerial reconnaissance of livestock and human populations in relation to land use and ecological conditions in the SORDU project area of southern Ethiopia]
An aerial reconnaissance of livestock and human populations in relation to land use and ecological conditions in the SORDU project area of southern Ethiopia
Discusses how low level aerial survey can be used to diagnose constraints within pastoral systems and the relative cost effectiveness of such operations, with particular reference to flight & sample procedures and information collection and analysis; presents some results from low-altitutde aeria...
Reviews various approaches and techniques used in a number of sub-Saharan African countries to collect and analyze data on large-scale ecological changes with particular reference to remote sensing and monitoring techniques in resource inventory; suggests ways to build more effective data bases.
Leeuw, P.N. de
Milligan, K.
[A review of integrated surveys for resource inventory and monitoring of pastoral production systems in sub-Saharan Africa]
A review of integrated surveys for resource inventory and monitoring of pastoral production systems in sub-Saharan Africa
Reviews most recent applications of methodologies for resource surveys appropriate to pastoral & agro-pastoral regions in Africa, with particular reference to remote sensing methodologies, viz. satellite imagery, aerial photography, side-looking radar (SLR), spectral radiance and low-altitutde ae...
Leeuw, P.N. de
Milligan, K.
[Integration of remote sensing techniques for resource evaluation in pastoral systems research]
Integration of remote sensing techniques for resource evaluation in pastoral systems research