The impacts of grazing on biophysical and hydrological properties of grazing lands were investigated on two sites represting 0-4 percent and 4-8 percent slopes at the Livestock research Institute (ILRI) Debre Zeit research station, 50 km South of Addis Ababa. Grazing pressure differently influenc...
Mwendera, E.J.
Mohamed-Saleem, M.A.
[Biophysical and hydrological changes in soils under livestock grazing varying slopes in the East African highlands]
Biophysical and hydrological changes in soils under livestock grazing varying slopes in the East African highlands
This paper ilustrates the principle determining cropping systems for Vertisols by reviewing work in the highlands of Ethiopia. The types of cropping systems that can be applicable in the different Vertisol environments are briefly described. These cropping systems include single cropping; multipl...
Berhe, Kahsay
Tedla, A.
Mohamed-Saleem, M.A.
[Cropping systems for Vertisols in the Ethiopian highlands]
Cropping systems for Vertisols in the Ethiopian highlands
Tests on the use of a single ox with a modified maresha plow were carried out in Ethiopia at the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) Debre Berhan station, on farmers' fields at Debre Zeit, and on a test track at the Agricultural Implement Research and Improvement Centre (AIRIC) near ...
Astatke, A.
Mohamed-Saleem, M.A.
[Experiences with the use of a single ox for cultivation in the Ethiopian highlands]
Experiences with the use of a single ox for cultivation in the Ethiopian highlands
The paper first discusses the need for moving from disciplinary to transdisciplinary research in addressing problems of human Development and environmental management. Then the experience of a research project in highland Ethiopia that started with disciplinary research and component technologies...
Jabbar, M.A.
Mohamed-Saleem, M.A.
Li Pun, H.H.
[From component technology to integrated resource management: Evolution toward trandisciplinary research in a project in Ethiopia]
From component technology to integrated resource management: Evolution toward trandisciplinary research in a project in Ethiopia
Reports a concerted interinstitutional attempt to generalize the use of the available draught animal power for the construction of more effective soil surface drainage. The hypothesis is that the relatively high productive potential of the Ethiopian highland vertisols, particularly in high-rainfa...
Jutzi, S.C.
Mohamed-Saleem, M.A.
[Improving productivity on highland Vertisols: The oxen-drawn broadbed maker]
Improving productivity on highland Vertisols: The oxen-drawn broadbed maker