Este texto es una invitación para acoger y generar espacios de reconocimiento y valoración de los estudiantes de pueblos originarios, que en el caso de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Católica de Temuco, representan un 27% de una matrícula total de 1.840 estudiantes
Quintriqueo Millán, Segundo
Morales Saavedra, Soledad
Quilaqueo Rapimán, Daniel
Arias Ortega, Katerin
[Interculturalidad para la Formación Inicial Docente: Desafíos para construir un diálogo intercultural]
Interculturalidad para la Formación Inicial Docente: Desafíos para construir un diálogo intercultural
El objetivo del artículo es presentar resultados de la experiencia desarrollada en los procesos de formación inicial docente. La investigación sostiene como supuesto que en las familias y comunidades indígenas mapuches presentes en Chile existen conocimientos asociados a prácticas socioculturales...
The objective of the article is to present results of the experience developed in the processes of initial teacher training. The investigation maintains that in the indigenous Mapuche families and communities present in Chile, there is knowledge associated with socio-cultural practices, which wou...
Morales Saavedra, Soledad
Quintriqueo Millán, Segundo
Uribe Sepúlveda, Pilar Andrea
[Interculturalism in higher education: experience in preschool education in La Araucanía, Chile]
[Interculturalidad en educación superior: experiencia en educación inicial en La Araucanía, Chile]
Interculturalidad en educación superior: experiencia en educación inicial en La Araucanía, Chile
Assessment processes, as instances of training quality assurance in higher education, have been the subject of diverse studies in a national and international level. However, in the case of childhood teacher training, precedents are scarce. In this context, this article is the result of a researc...
Morales Saavedra, Soledad
Zambrano Quezada, Heidi
[Assessment Coherence in Competency-Based University Education: A Study on Future Educators in Chile]
Assessment Coherence in Competency-Based University Education: A Study on Future Educators in Chile
The objective of the article is to present results of the experience developed in the processes of initial teacher training. The investigation maintains that in the indigenous Mapuche families and communities present in Chile, there is knowledge associated with socio-cultural practices, which wou...
Morales Saavedra, Soledad
Quintriqueo Millán, Segundo
Andrea Uribe-Sepulveda, Pilar
Arias-Ortega, Katerin
[Interculturality in higher education: experience in preschool education in La Araucania, Chile]
Interculturality in higher education: experience in preschool education in La Araucania, Chile
In Chile, two public policies focusing on teaching-learning among primary school children have been implemented to contribute to the development of the language and culture of indigenous peoples and to the formation of intercultural citizens: 1) the Bilingual Intercultural Education Programme (PE...
Peña Cortés, Fernando
Huilinir-Curio, Viviana
Pincheira Ulbrich, Jimmy
Quintriqueo Millán, Segundo
Quilaqueo Rapimán, Daniel
Gutierrez, Maritza
Morales Saavedra, Soledad
[Mapuche-Pewenche knowledge transmitted by teachers and parents: perception of schoolchildren in rural schools of the Araucania region (Chile)]
Mapuche-Pewenche knowledge transmitted by teachers and parents: perception of schoolchildren in rural schools of the Araucania region (Chile)