Describes the seasonal pattern of nematode faecal egg counts of sheep slaughtered at the Addis Ababa abattoir from July 1985 to June 1986. Presents data on strongyle and trichostrongyle faecal egg counts. Suggests possible strategic measures for th econtrol of gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep ...
Bekele, T.
Mukasa-Mugerwa, E.
Scholtens, R.G.
[Variations saisonnieres du nombre d'oeufs de nematodes presents dans les selles de mouton en Ethiopie]
Variations saisonnieres du nombre d'oeufs de nematodes presents dans les selles de mouton en Ethiopie
Describes the seasonal pattern of nematode faecal egg counts of sheep slaughtered at the Addis Ababa abattoir from July 1985 to June 1986. Presents data on strongyle and trichostrongyle faecal egg counts. Suggests possible strategic measures for th econtrol of gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep ...
Bekele, T.
Mukasa-Mugerwa, E.
Scholtens, R.G.
[Seasonal changes in nematode faecal egg counts of sheep in Ethiopia]
Seasonal changes in nematode faecal egg counts of sheep in Ethiopia