CGIAR is a global research partnership of 15 geographically and scientifically diverse Centers dedicated to reducing poverty, enhancing food and nutrition security, and improving natural resource management. The Centers are charged with accelerating innovation to tackle challenges at a variety of...
Devare, Medha
Zandstra, Megan
Clobridge, Abby
Fotsy, Michelle
Abreu, David
Arnaud, Elizabeth
Baraka, Paul
Bonaiuti, Enrico
Chukka, Srinivasa Rao
Dieng, Ibnou
Dreher, Kate
Erlita, Sufiet
Juarez, H.
Kim, Soonho
Koo, Jawoo
Muchlish, Usman
Müller, Martin
Mwanzia, Leroy
Poole, Elizabeth J.
Siddiqui, Salman
[Open Access and Open Data at CGIAR: challenges and solutions]
Open Access and Open Data at CGIAR: challenges and solutions
Data and information management are key components of enabling a knowledge-sharing environment in the development sector. Improved physical and virtual availability, accessibility, and applicability of data and information increases the chances of it reaching intended audiences and providing them...
Zandstra, Megan
Azubuike, Abraham
Clobridge, Abby
Kuchma, Iryna
Mwanzia, Leroy
Prasai, Nilam
Staiger-Rivas, Simone
Willmers, Michelle
Senmartin, Denise
[Open research, open data, and your development organization: best practices in information and data management for development]
Open research, open data, and your development organization: best practices in information and data management for development
Background: Opportunities to use data and information to address challenges in international agricultural research and development are expanding rapidly. The use of agricultural trial and evaluation data has enormous potential to improve crops and management practices. However, for a number of re...