In genetic improvement of cowpea, one plant or variety rarely has every desirable characteristic. The recombination of desirable characteristics from different parental sources is achieved by crossing plants and the necessary cross pollinations. This document presents a method for the cross polli...
Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis has several advantages over traditional methods of genetic linkage mapping, one of these being the starting point for map-based cloning. The recent development of an RFLP map of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) has allowed the investigati...
En matiere d'ameliotation genetique du nie-be, il est rare de trouver un plant ou une variete posse-dant taus les caracteres desires. La tecombinaison des catacteres desires, II partir de sources parentales dis-tinctes, s'obtient en croisant les plants et en effectuant les pollinisations croisees...