Rapid growth of the human and livestock populations in sub-Saharan Africa is creating unprecedented increases in food and feed demands. These population pressures on a fixed landbase are likely to promote severe competition for resources and drive agriculture progressively towards intensification...
Smith, J.W.
Naazie, A.
Larbi, A.
Agyemang, K.
Tarawali, S.
[Integrated croplivestock systems in subSaharan Africa: an option or imperative?]
Integrated croplivestock systems in subSaharan Africa: an option or imperative?
Rapid growth of the human and livestock populations in sub-Saharan Africa is creating unprecedented increases in food and feed demands. These population pressures on a fixed landbases are likely to promote severe competition for resources and drive agriculture progressively towards intensificatio...
Smith, Jimmy W.
Naazie, A.
Larbi, Asamoah
Agyemang, K.
Tarawali, Shirley A.
[Integrated crop-livestock systems in sub-Saharan Africa: An option or an imperative?]
Integrated crop-livestock systems in sub-Saharan Africa: An option or an imperative?
A deterministic beef efficiency model (BEM) was developed for investigating production efficiency. Efficiency was defined, over the lifetime of the herd, as a ratio of total output (lean meat equivalent) from the herd to total input (feed equivalent in Mcal metabolizable energy, ME) to the herd, ...
Naazie, A.
Makarechian, M.
Hudson, R.J.
[Efficiency of beef production systems: Description and preliminary evaluation of a model]
Efficiency of beef production systems: Description and preliminary evaluation of a model
Smith, Jimmy W.
Naazie, A.
[The role of ruminant livestock in soil fertility management in sub-Saharan Africa]
The role of ruminant livestock in soil fertility management in sub-Saharan Africa
A deterministic model was developed to evaluate the adequacy and utilization of ruminant livestock feed resources in the moist savannahs of W. Africa. Changes in land cropped and available as range, were used to project changes in feed resources over time and to evalaute whether these feed resour...
Naazie, A.
Smith, Jimmy W.
[Modelling feed resources budgets in the moist savannahs of West Africa]
Modelling feed resources budgets in the moist savannahs of West Africa
Smith, Jimmy W.
Naazie, A.
[The influence of climate on the intergradation of crop-livestock systems in tropical Africa]
The influence of climate on the intergradation of crop-livestock systems in tropical Africa