Monitoring and research activities may hinder rather than improve conservation in tropical countries. Those concerned with conservation - particularly academics and aid agencies - too often overlook the practical realities of achieving conservation in the tropics. As a result, many initiatives di...
Sheil, Douglas
Nasi, Robert
[Recherche et conservation: realities, priorites et distraction]
Recherche et conservation: realities, priorites et distraction
We suggest an ethno-biological approach to analyze the cultural and social drivers of hunting activities and assess sustainability in villages near Makokou, northeast Gabon, based on interviews with hunters, participatory mapping of hunting territories, and daily records of offtakes for 1 yr. Hun...
Vliet, N. van
Nasi, Robert
[Hunting for livelihood in North East Gabon: patterns, evolution and sustainability]
Hunting for livelihood in North East Gabon: patterns, evolution and sustainability
Les concessions forestières peuvent affecter la faune de facon directe ou indirecte. Toutefois, si la faune est prise en compte de manière appropriée dans les plans d'aménagement forestier, les concessions forestières peuvent constituer une opportunité pour la conservation, puisqu'elles peuvent j...
Vliet, N. van
Nasi, Robert
[Utilisation de l’approche paysage pour une meilleure intégration de la faune dans les plans d’aménagement forestier]
Utilisation de l’approche paysage pour une meilleure intégration de la faune dans les plans d’aménagement forestier
Christophersen, T.
Nasi, Robert
[Conservation et utili sation durable des ressources fauniques dans le contexte de la Convention sur la Diversité Biologique (CDB): La crise de la viande de brousse]
Conservation et utili sation durable des ressources fauniques dans le contexte de la Convention sur la Diversité Biologique (CDB): La crise de la viande de brousse
In the quest for global standards, “Criteria and Indicators” (C&I) are among the foremost mechanisms for defining and promoting sustainable tropical forest management. This paper examines some challenges posed by this approach, focusing on examples that reflect the ecological aspects of tropical ...
Sheil, Douglas
Nasi, Robert
Johnson, B.
[Ecological criteria and indicators for tropical forest landscapes: challenges in the search for progress]
Ecological criteria and indicators for tropical forest landscapes: challenges in the search for progress
Finegan, B.
Nasi, Robert
[The biodiversity and conservation potential of shifting cultivation landscapes]
The biodiversity and conservation potential of shifting cultivation landscapes
Management in the production forest concessions of the Congo Basin is based on rotation principles, with the concessionary industry involved at every stage in the drafting and implementation of the felling permit granted. In this process, forest organization by area, based on management inventory...
Fargeot, C.
Forni, E.
Nasi, Robert
[Reflexion sur l'amenagement des forets de production dans le basin du Congo]
Reflexion sur l'amenagement des forets de production dans le basin du Congo
Due to the need for forest certification, the criteria and indicators for sustainable management of tropical forests have tended to operate more and more as standards, with criteria holding pride of place as compared to indicators. In practice, they are used as the definition of sustainability ap...
Karsenty, A.
Lescuyer, G.
Nasi, Robert
[Est-il possible de determiner des criteres et indicateurs de gestion durable des forets tropicales?]
Est-il possible de determiner des criteres et indicateurs de gestion durable des forets tropicales?
A literature survey was conducted to assess animal responses to logging and evaluate the usefulness of bioindicators as tools to assess biodiversity conservation in logged tropical forests. The survey indicated that studies on the impact of logging on arthropods and herpetofauna are under-represe...
Azevedo-Ramos, C.
Carvalho, O. de
Nasi, Robert
[Animais como indicadores: Uma ferramenta para acessar a integridade biologica apos a exploraçao madeireira em florestas tropicais?]
Animais como indicadores: Uma ferramenta para acessar a integridade biologica apos a exploraçao madeireira em florestas tropicais?
A literature survey was conducted to assess animal responses to logging and evaluate the usefulness of bioindicators as tools to assess biodiversity conservation in logged tropical forests. The survey indicated that studies on the impact of logging on arthropods and herpetofauna are under-represe...
Azevedo-Ramos, C.
Carvalho, O. de
Nasi, Robert
[Animal indicators: a tool to assess biotic integrity after logging tropical forests?]
Animal indicators: a tool to assess biotic integrity after logging tropical forests?