In the growing literature at the interface of rural livelihood improvement and conservation of natural forests, two overarching issues stand out: (1) How and to what extent use of forest resources do and can contribute to poverty alleviation and (2) How and to what extent poverty alleviation and ...
Sunderlin, William D.
Angelsen, A.
Belcher, B.
Burgess, P.
Nasi, Robert
Santoso, L.
Wunder, Sven
[Livelihoods, forests, and conservation in developing countries: an overview]
Livelihoods, forests, and conservation in developing countries: an overview
Nasi, Robert
Mayaux, P.
Bayol, N.
Billand, A.
[Carbon stocks and land cover change estimates in Central Africa - where do we stand?]
Carbon stocks and land cover change estimates in Central Africa - where do we stand?
In Central Africa, important carbon stocks are stored in natural forest stands, while activities that modify the carbon storage occur in the forest landscape. Besides clean development mechanisms, the reduction of emission through deforestation and degradation (REDD) initiative is viewed as one w...
Sonwa, D.J.
Walker, S.
Nasi, Robert
Kanninen, M.
[Potential synergies of the main current forestry efforts and climate change mitigation in Central Africa]
Potential synergies of the main current forestry efforts and climate change mitigation in Central Africa
This paper first provides a brief overview of what are and what represent forest ecosystem services. Then it considers the issues of price and valuation, and shows that valuation itself is not a solution but merely a tool. Considering then the reasons of the overall degradation of forest ecosyste...
Nasi, Robert
Wunder, Sven
Campos, J.J.
[Forest ecosystem services: can they pay our way out of deforestation?]
Forest ecosystem services: can they pay our way out of deforestation?
Ickowitz, A.
Slayback, D.
Asanzi, P.
Nasi, Robert
[Agriculture and deforestation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A synthesis of the current state of knowledge]
Agriculture and deforestation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A synthesis of the current state of knowledge
Hojas-Gascon, L.
Cerutti, P.O.
Eva, H.
Nasi, Robert
Martius, C.
[Monitoring deforestation and forest degradation in the context of REDD+: Lessons from Tanzania]
Monitoring deforestation and forest degradation in the context of REDD+: Lessons from Tanzania
Karsenty, A.
Cerutti, P.O.
Doucet, J.L.
Putz, F.E.
Romero, C.
Bernard, C.S.
Eba'a Atyi, R.
Douard, P.
Claeys, F.
Desbureaux, S.
Ezzine-de-Blas, D.
Fayolle, A.
Fomété, T.
Forni, E.
Gond, Valéry
Gourlet-Fleury, S.
Kleinschroth, F.
Mortier, F.
Nasi, Robert
Nguinguiri, J.-C.
Vermeulen, C.
Wasseige, C. de
[L'aménagement forestier au Congo engendre-t-il plus de déforestation?]
L'aménagement forestier au Congo engendre-t-il plus de déforestation?
Karsenty, A.
Romero, C.
Cerutti, P.O.
Doucet, J.L.
Putz, F.E.
Bernard, C.S.
Eba'a Atyi, R.
Douard, P.
Claeys, F.
Desbureaux, S.
Ezzine-de-Blas, D.
Fayolle, A.
Fomété, T.
Forni, E.
Gond, Valéry
Gourlet-Fleury, S.
Kleinschroth, F.
Mortier, F.
Nasi, Robert
Nguinguiri, J-C.
Vermeulen, C.
Wasseige, C. de
[Deforestation and timber production in Congo after implementation of sustainable management policy: A reaction to the article by J.S. Brandt, C. Nolte and A. Agrawal (Land Use Policy 52:15-22)]
Deforestation and timber production in Congo after implementation of sustainable management policy: A reaction to the article by J.S. Brandt, C. Nolte and A. Agrawal (Land Use Policy 52:15-22)
Mayaux, P
Pekel, J.F
Desclee, B
Donnay, F
Lupi, A
Achard, F.
Clerici, M
Bodart, C
Brink, A
Nasi, Robert
Belward, A.
[State and evolution of the African rainforests between 1990 and 2010]
State and evolution of the African rainforests between 1990 and 2010