Examples are used to illustrate the different present-day forms of forest management, based first and foremost on decision-making procedures governing management choices rather than on technical criteria governing the choice and implementation of programmes. These examples range from the Gabonese...
Bertrand, A.
Babin, D.
Nasi, Robert
[L'adaption de l'amengement forestier a des situations diverses]
L'adaption de l'amengement forestier a des situations diverses
The various factors common to forest management schemes are examined : sustained output, biodiversity conservation, and multiple uses. These factors are combined in different ways from case to case. Consideration of them in the management process includes specific kinds of financial impact for ea...
Bertrand, A.
Babin, D.
Nasi, Robert
[Les composantes de l'amenagement forestier et leurs incidences financieres]
Les composantes de l'amenagement forestier et leurs incidences financieres
Tropical deforestation is leading to a loss of economically productive timber concessions, as well as areas with important environmental or socio-cultural values. To counteract this threat in Southeast Asia, sustainable forest management (SFM) practices are becoming increasingly important. We ass...
Dennis, R.A.
Meijaard, E.
Nasi, Robert
Gustafsson, L.
[Biodiversity conservation in Southeast Asian timber concessions: a critical evaluation of policy mechanisms and guidelines]
Biodiversity conservation in Southeast Asian timber concessions: a critical evaluation of policy mechanisms and guidelines
Conservation concessions, as advocated by E.Niesten and R.Rice, suggest the paying revenues to populations and the State so that they may renounce income derived from forest exploitation. Apart from the questionable transformation of peasants as renters of conservation, serious questions arise as...
Karsenty, A.
Nasi, Robert
[Un commentaire sur l'article de E. Niesten et R. Rice les (concessions de conservation) sonnent-elles le glas de l'amenagement forestier durable?]
Un commentaire sur l'article de E. Niesten et R. Rice les (concessions de conservation) sonnent-elles le glas de l'amenagement forestier durable?
This book presents a technical review of ecological and life history information on a range of Bornean wildlife species, aimed at identifying what makes these species sensitive to timber harvesting practices and associated impacts. It addresses three audiences: 1) those involved in assessing and ...
Meijaard, E.
Sheil, Douglas
Nasi, Robert
Augeri, D.
Rosenbaum, B.
Iskandar, D.
Setyawati, T.
Lammertink, A.
Rachmatika, I.
Wong, A.
Soehartono, T.
Stanley, S.
O'Brien, T.
[Life after logging: reconciling wildlife conservation and production forestry in Indonesian Borneo]
Life after logging: reconciling wildlife conservation and production forestry in Indonesian Borneo
This book presents a technical review of ecological and life history information on a range of Bornean wildlife species, aimed at identifying what makes these species sensitive to timber harvesting practices and associated impacts. It addresses three audiences: 1) those involved in assessing and ...
Meijaard, E.
Sheil, Douglas
Nasi, Robert
Augeri, D.
Rosenbaum, B.
Iskandar, D.
Setyawati, T.
Lammertink, A.
Rachmatika, I.
Wong, A.
Soehartono, T.
Stanley, S.
O'Brien, T.
[Hutan pasca pemanenan: melindungi satwa liar dalam kegiatan hutan produksi di Kalimantan]
Hutan pasca pemanenan: melindungi satwa liar dalam kegiatan hutan produksi di Kalimantan
Nasi, Robert
Frost, P.
[Sustainable forest management in the tropics: is everything in order but the patient still dying?]
Sustainable forest management in the tropics: is everything in order but the patient still dying?
Nasi, Robert
Mayaux, P.
Devers, D.
Bayol, N.
Eba'a Atyi, R.
Mugnier, A.
Cassagne, B.
Billand, A.
Sonwa, D.J.
[Un aperçu des stocks de carbone et leurs variations dans les forêts du Bassin du Congo]
Un aperçu des stocks de carbone et leurs variations dans les forêts du Bassin du Congo
In this review paper, we assess the economical, governance, and technical conditions that shape forest management in tropical Latin America with particular regard to efforts to reduce forest-based carbon emissions. We provide a framework for discussions about ways to improve forest management tha...
Nasi, Robert
Putz, F E.
Pacheco, P.
Wunder, Sven
Anta, S.
[Sustainable forest management and carbon in tropical Latin America: the case for REDD+]
Sustainable forest management and carbon in tropical Latin America: the case for REDD+