This article is a summary of a Workshop on Wildlife Management in Logging Concessions in Central Africa, La Lupe, Gabon, November 2000. The workshop was unique in that it brought together field-based representatives of logging companies, conservation NGOs and government ministries to discuss prac...
Tutin, C.
Nasi, Robert
[Atelier sur la gestion de la faune sur les concessions de l'exploitation forestiere d' Afrique centrale]
Atelier sur la gestion de la faune sur les concessions de l'exploitation forestiere d' Afrique centrale
Clough, G.
Cerutti, P.O.
Nasi, Robert
Tacconi, L.
[Cameroon needs more than approved forest management plans]
Cameroon needs more than approved forest management plans
Ruiz Perez, M.
Blas, D.E. de
Nasi, Robert
Sassen, M.
Sayer, Jeffrey A.
Angoue, C.
Gami, N.
Ndoye, O.
Ngono, G.
Nguinguiri, J.C.
Nzala, D.
Toirambe, B.
Yalibanda, Y.
[Who is logging the Congo?]
Who is logging the Congo?
There is growing awareness of the need to sustainably manage forests in Central Africa. This paper reviews the current state in Gabon within the national context. Forests play a very important role in Gabon in view of their extensive area as well as their contribution to the national economy. The...
Drouineau, S.
Nasi, Robert
[L'amenagement forestier au Gabon: historique, bilan, perpectives]
L'amenagement forestier au Gabon: historique, bilan, perpectives
Vliet, N. van
Nasi, Robert
[Mammal distribution in a Central African logging concession area]
Mammal distribution in a Central African logging concession area
Logging concessions can affect wildlife populations through indirect or direct effects. However, if wildlife is appropriately taken into account in the forest management plans, then logging concessions can become an opportunity for conservation, as they can play a crucial role as buffers around p...
Vliet, N. van
Nasi, Robert
[Using landscape approaches to improve the integration of wildlife in forest management plans]
Using landscape approaches to improve the integration of wildlife in forest management plans
Conservation concessions, as advocated by E.Niesten and R.Rice, suggest the paying revenues to populations and the State so that they may renounce income derived from forest exploitation. Apart from the questionable transformation of peasants as renters of conservation, serious questions arise as...
Karsenty, A.
Nasi, Robert
[Un commentaire sur l'article de E. Niesten et R. Rice les (concessions de conservation) sonnent-elles le glas de l'amenagement forestier durable?]
Un commentaire sur l'article de E. Niesten et R. Rice les (concessions de conservation) sonnent-elles le glas de l'amenagement forestier durable?
The present paper is a review of the methods used for assessing defaunation, as a forest degradation component, linked to logging and logging concessions with an emphasis on mammals and Central Africa Rainforests. A discussion on the usefulness and weaknesses of these methods is provided
Nasi, Robert
Vliet, N. van
[Defaunation and forest degradation in Central African logging concessions: how to measure the impacts of bush meat hunting on the ecosystem? case studies on measuring and assessing forest degradation]
Defaunation and forest degradation in Central African logging concessions: how to measure the impacts of bush meat hunting on the ecosystem? case studies on measuring and assessing forest degradation
Based on an extensive review of the literature, and broad consultation with experts, we have assessed the sensitivity of Bornean vertebrates to the direct and indirect effects of timber harvest. Well-implemented selective logging has a relatively limited direct impact on wildlife populations: few...
Meijaard, E.
Sheil, Douglas
Nasi, Robert
Stanley, S.E.
[Wildlife conservation in Bornean timber concessions]
Wildlife conservation in Bornean timber concessions
Les concessions forestières peuvent affecter la faune de facon directe ou indirecte. Toutefois, si la faune est prise en compte de manière appropriée dans les plans d'aménagement forestier, les concessions forestières peuvent constituer une opportunité pour la conservation, puisqu'elles peuvent j...
Vliet, N. van
Nasi, Robert
[Utilisation de l’approche paysage pour une meilleure intégration de la faune dans les plans d’aménagement forestier]
Utilisation de l’approche paysage pour une meilleure intégration de la faune dans les plans d’aménagement forestier